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Need help figuring out error message


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My son (the programmer) sent me a lms file, a MP3 file and a LEE file. I put them all in their correct subdirectories and when I try to play the song ir plays fine and I can see the channels change when the song is playing. However when I open the visulizer, I get this error message and not able to see actual house lights change.

the error message that I get from the visulizer is this:

LOR visualizer-picture load error.

An error occured while loading the background image.

About as useful as check engine light going on in my car. Too vague. What am I/we doing wrong?

Any ideas? --Greg--

Visulizer 52912.lee

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It's the same type of error message people used to get in the animator.

The .LEE file is configured to look in a specific location for the image file used in the .LEE. However that image file isn't on your computer. Get the image file from your son, then open the Viz and hit CTRL+B (for Background preferences) and update the location of the image file.

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