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Hi guys I just purchased my first 16 channel Light O Rama system and I Know it's August and December is getting closer and I was wondering is there somewhere I can get a few light sequences already programed so I can have atleast something to show this Christmas while I working on my own customs light show for next year.

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I found a bunch on Utrashows.com but you need to identify the music used as its not supplied of course. I tried one of their sequences for a song I was doing and found that doing my own was better. But try anyway and at least it'll get you thinking and possibly going.

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If you do a search for "sequences" or look under the topic "Sequence", you will find members that have posted sharing their sequences or places to get them free.

Try doing a search on the LOR forum.

There is also lots to read. Enough to keep you busy for a very long time.

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