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Pausing in sequence editor


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Maybe i'm missing something but is it not possible to pause a sequence while editing it? what I mean is when I create a new sequence for my singing faces I have to stop the sequence then instead of continueing on in the song it starts all over again and that's a major pain in the butt. I want to be able to move back and forth in the sequence by sliding the bar to make my mouth movements more fluid with the song but can't do that either. Is there something I'm just not seeing in the editor or is this something in a higher version that I need to upgrade to?

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Go to "Play" in the menu then down to "Play Range" I typically use "From Selection" This will start the sequence from the point you select instead of starting the entire sequence over.

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I do most of my sequencing with the play range set to "Visible Screen".

The space bar stops and starts play, which you might also find useful.

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Will take Georges suggestion one step further. If I am having a hard time with a small section of the song. I will do like George, select play, play range, visual screen. Then take you mouse to the time line just a little before what you want and click then drag to the right, just past the section you want to work on. Now pressing the space bar will cause that small section to play. Note, if you go to a different track and come back. The highlighted section will not work and you will need to re highlight it again. Warning, playing that same second or two over and over again can drive one crazy. Get up and get a drink and come back after a few minutes. LOL

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Thanks everybody for your help, I'll give those a try and see how it goes. I personally think it would be easier if a pause button was added but I'm guessing there was a reason for not having one?

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I don't know if there was a reason for not having one. However, I suspect that once you get used to the space bar for a pause/start, etc., you will quickly forget about ever wanting a button. (Just my opinion.)

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Just keep in mind that the space bar only works to pause and begin play while the Sequence Editor is the active window on your desktop. Took me a while to figure that out. But essentially, the space bar IS your pause button.

You can also go to EDIT > PREFERENCES > KEYBOARD PREFERENCES and reassign that pause/start function to another key if you want.

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