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Upgrading License S2->S3 Basic->Advanced


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So I have finaly decided to switch to S3 but I also want to increase my license level to advanced I curently have S2, do I have to completly buy a new Lisense of Advanced S3 or if I just upgrade to advanced do I also get access to S3? because it says under the License renewal page that "When you upgrade a license renewal is included in the price!"

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In your case you would simply purchase the upgrade.

As the site says, it will also renew your license for another year.

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Users: be carefull though, when you have two ore more licenses, the second license (or third, etc ) is not renewed at the same time when upgrade of level of one license is done, as I experienced newly.

the LOR site is not clear on that matter.

as it states at the renewal page, that a license renewal will be on all owned licences, but this is not the case apparantly when upgrading to higher level, in that case it seems to be for the upgraded license only!!!

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Each license is tied to an email address. If you have two licenses, with different email addresses, then purchasing an upgrade for one will not upgrade the other.

Just an example off the top of my head: if you own two cars, making the payment for one does not make the payment for the other.

If you have and advanced license, and then add a 2ccr license to you account, your renewal is good for all licenses on that account. Fof the next year, you would be able to upgrade to the latest version.

If you have more than one license in your name (with different email addresses on each) you really should contact LOR to have the situation corrected. (Unless you need them that way for some reason)

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strangly enough both licenses are coupled to 1 emailadress in my case and the second license is not renewed, even after communication with Dan.

the official statement if LOR to me is that an levelupgrade only renewed the upgraded license, and does not involve renewal of my second one.

see below:


There seems to be some confusion. It is true that if you purchase a license renewal that all licences associated with the email address are renewed.

If you perform a software upgrade, one and only one license is upgraded and that license is renewed. This is not a license renewal transaction so only one license is renewed.

If you can show us where we have incorrectly stated that a license upgrade will renew all licenses associated with an email address then we will correct the website and renew all licences associated with your email address.

Best regards,


Light O Rama, Inc.

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Here is the reason it works that way--> Assume for a moment that you purchase 100 BASIC licenses, all with the same email address. Now you purchase a single upgrade from Basic to Advanced. If we upgrade ALL your licenses, in effect we would have sold you 100 Advanced licenses for around the cost of 100 basic.

The renewal you get with an upgrade is a freebie - a 'thank you' for upgrading.

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Good morning Mike,

The issue is not about level upgrading, but about renewal of the license when you upgrade. I do understand the policy.

but then you must tell this on the website where it states that renewal of 1 license will renew all other licenses connected to the same emailadress. it should be more clear in my humble opinion.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Question I have is that I have advanced for S2 but interested in also getting the upgrade for ccr's and confused as to what I will need. Thanks

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Question I have is that I have advanced for S2 but interested in also getting the upgrade for ccr's and confused as to what I will need. Thanks

Remember, you do NOT need SuperStar to run your CCRs. SuperStar is a programming aide, and not required.

Currently you have S2 Advanced. You have 2 options:

  1. You WANT Super Star:
    Purchase any Super Star Add-On (for example, the 2 CCR add-on for $50). That will give you S3 Advanced + CCR Add on at the level you purchased.
  2. You do NOT want Super Star:
    Purchase a License Renewal for $30. You will have S3 Advanced with no Super Star (but can still run your CCRs).

Easy way to think about it: All CCR Add On purchases come with a complementary License Renewal. You only need to purchase one or the other The 2 CCR add-on is a better value than just the $30 renewal.

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So 49.95 to buy the license for superstar would also get me my upgrade of s3? So basic difference of 20 dollars. Just S3 will be 30 or the superstar add on for the 49.95. I know you do not need superstar but it seems like for ccr's it would be easier then just using LOR.

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So 49.95 to buy the license for superstar would also get me my upgrade of s3?


Though to be technically correct, you would be renewing your license, not 'upgrading' to S3. I only mention this because I've seen others get this mixed up.

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Ok that makes sense Don and yes I it would be renewing as I have had LOR software pretty much from the get go. lol

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In the LOR Software world:

Upgrade: To go from one feature level to a higher one. For example, Basic to Advanced. An Upgrade comes with a License Renewal.

Add-On: To purchase an additional a la carte software tool. Currently refers to Super Star only. An add-on comes with a License Renewal.

Add-On Upgrade: To purchase an additional feature level for an add-on. For example, going from Superstar 2 CCR to Superstar 24 CCR. An add-on upgrade comes with a License Renewal.

Renewal: To stay at the SAME feature level/add-on level, but gain the ability to use newer versions of the software

In other words: No matter the reason you give us money for software, your allowed versions/upgrade time is reset -- you are authorized to run the most current version plus new versions for a set time/rev level of whatever feature level you own.

Your software never EXPIRES, only your ability to run newer versions needs to be renewed. If you are happy with what you have, you never have to spend another dime.

Before you ask:

NO! Other than Superstar there are no current plans for any other a la carte tools.

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Thanks Mike, your explaination should help everyone out a lot.

Now let me ask another question. I'm using S2.9.4 basic. I would like to move to the advanced and add the Super Star on , just to use the auto sequencer. What do I need to purchase ?

Thanks, Jerry

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You need to purchase 2 things:

1 - an upgrade from basic to advanced

2 - a Super star add-on (at whatever level you want)

That will move you to S3 advanced + Super Star (at whatever level you purchased).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, sorry guys, but I'm still lost. Based on the license retrieval tool, I have S2 Advanced and good till ver. 2.9. If I want to move to S3 Advanced, what exactly do I have to purchase? Also, do I still have the ability to load and use up to 5 different computers, I only really need 3, but know that I could do 5.

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Ok, sorry guys, but I'm still lost. Based on the license retrieval tool, I have S2 Advanced and good till ver. 2.9. If I want to move to S3 Advanced, what exactly do I have to purchase? Also, do I still have the ability to load and use up to 5 different computers, I only really need 3, but know that I could do 5.

You need only to renew your license.

Here is the link to the license renewal in the store.

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