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Final Layout For 2012


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I believe I have finished my layout for 2012 finally. 1342 pixels and 240 channels. I tried to video this but didnt have very good luck. Link contains sequence, music, and visualizer file. This is a Richard Holdman sequence that he so graciously shared a few years ago. It is the first one I have adapted to my new layout. Let me know what you think.


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I'm not into fades as much as Richard is, but I think your yard is gonna look choice. Can't wait to see videos of your CCR mega tree.

How many networks are you planning for?

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Nice job there Doug on your Visualizer. I know how trying it is when you start adding that many pixels and getting every thing synced. If your display looks 1/2 as good as the Visualizer, I am sure you will WOW a lot of folks this year.

P.s. How many of the new Pixel elements to you actually have built so far


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Well its actually a pixel mega tree. 16 slices by 40 pixels with a 40 pixel star using all 680 channels of an E681. I had to fool the visualizer by using ccr's because I was going past 1024 fixtures.

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I have built everything but the fans. I still have the mega tree lying on the garage floor, I just bought the super star addon and using the tree to test. Sometime soon I hope to have all the rgb stuff setup in the garage so I can see how it looks for real.

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