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Lower The Brightness Of The Led


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most leds will dim just like incans the cheaper built half wave will dim a little then go out you could add a rectifier to make it better an easer way is to buy full wave leds to sart with.

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I think I have some strings that have that problem. How do I add this rectifier thing? Does it attach at the end of the string, or do I need several of them? Is there a diagram or something I can follow that you can post?

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Yes, LED strings that are full wave with no multifunction controllers will not have this problem.

My few hundred half-wave LED strings fade just fine.

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There is a easier way to get led strings to fade. Do a search on snubbers to get plenty of info. Here is a link to an easy method: http://forums.planet...ubbers-to-make/

I did not use the plugs. I cut up old strings for parts and save the plugs with some cord, or if I cut off plugs from good strings, leave it with a pigtail. Solder the resistor across the two wires and heat shrink it. The snubber can be anywhere in the circuit, You need one per channel of lights that have the issue.

One of the threads that comes up in the search discusses half verses full wave. Both have advantages and disadvantages.

Edited by scubado
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My few hundred half-wave LED strings fade just fine.

So do mine, I don't even have a string of full wave LEDs, I'm just pointing out which ones will definitely fade.

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I literally have thousands of half wave LEDs (on my megatree and house, dating back to when LEDs first hit the market), and full wave (all of my newer ones).

They all fade just fine. Some LEDs on the market included capacitors that impeded fading..

I have seen poor fading characteristics in both half and full wave sets. It depends on the manufacturer/design of the LED strings.

If you are looking to limit the maximum brightness of the LEDs, that can easily be setup using the hardware utility and your individual controllers.

For example you could limit their maximum brightness to 80%. They would still ramp up/down (fade) normally, but would peak at 80%, although the software would show 100%.

This is a great perk if you use both incandescent and LED lighting in your display. It balances things out nicely.


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