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Talking Santa


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I bought a talking santa from christmaslightshow.com it can use 3 to 4 channels. Was wondering if anyone has a sequence that thay would share so I can get some kind of direction togo with this. if anyone has any tips on how to it would be appreciated.

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I use the waveform, headphones and slow the song to 1/4 or 1/2 speed to do my talking and singing props. That's what works for me but maybe someone else can teach us both something better :D

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For my singing faces I slow it down to quarter speed and use the beat wizard and put a beat at the beginning of every word and I agree with the comment above head phones for some reason make it easier

I also have just one face set up on visualizer and have that in one corner of my screen so I can watch it at the same time

It takes a lot of time to master but once you get the hang off it it's great fun

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For my singing faces I slow it down to quarter speed and use the beat wizard and put a beat at the beginning of every word and I agree with the comment above head phones for some reason make it easier

I also have just one face set up on visualizer and have that in one corner of my screen so I can watch it at the same time

It takes a lot of time to master but once you get the hang off it it's great fun

i meant tap wizard not beat wizard sorry
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need to work on the visualizer have not even looked into any of that yet.This is only my second year....It seems to me the visualizer is the way to go. Thanks for the help going to start to work on it soon.

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