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Mega Tree/show Design Advice


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Hello All,

Has anyone purchased any of the Mega Tree's from Christmaslightshow.com? I am looking at the 15' Mega Tree, but I am curious if anyone has put this one together. Is it worth the price? Difficult to build/store? Also, I have seen several people use some creative methods to make their own Mega Tree's, thoughts on building mega trees?

I just moved into a larger house (more room for lights...Excellent!) and I am running out of decorating ideas, so that's why I am considering the Mega Tree. Also, I feel like in order for the tree to look great you need AT LEAST 2 controllers to do it right. To top it all off I am currently deployed so my building and design is going to be rushed whenever I do get back home.

I would truly appreciate some thoughts and experience in this area. Here is a link to my show from last year: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Arizona-Christmas-Light-Show/202005553211015 (35,000 lights, 32 channels)

I think I did as much as possible with the limited space I had. This year I have three sides of a house to decorate, I am just struggling with getting out of the mind frame of decorating just one side of the house. Anyone else had this problem? FYI, I should have about 50,000 lights to play with and 5 controllers.

Thanks for the help all!


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Josh, I built my MT with 2 1/2" pvc, and fence post for rigidity.. PVC slips into a hole bored into a stump and guyed at 3 points. Made my topper with a pvc cap and cup hooks. You can do the same with a piece of 3" pvc hammered into the ground, and slip the MT pole in it, just use a pvc plug over it when the pole is out. You can fill up the yard with minitrees, or lawnlights (light strings stretched across the yard), candy canes from WalMart work well too. Add some traditional arches, or FireStix (vertical arches), both easy to make with sleeves.

I see yer down in TUS.. There are several LOR users down there that can help with designs / builds. If time's a real constraint, then buying a MT kit might be the only option.

Lastly (but most importantly), Thank You for your service to our country! Always come back to us safely!


Edited by TJ Hvasta
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Thanks for the advise. I'm not opposed to the build so I might go at it. Do you use PVC for the MT pole or something else? Also, about how big is your MT? I think the fence post inside the PVC is a great idea. With the guyed wire I imagine it would be sturdy enough to stand up to the Arizona winds. Thanks for the help with the MT.

This will be my third year so I think I can still pull off a great show with the time I have when I get home. Especially with a small army of people to help me!

I did want to say I've admired your show since I saw it a few years ago. You do a great job with your programming and the entire show always looks awesome. I've been in touch with a few people in Tucson and Phoenix. I missed the mini this year in Phoenix because I was gone, but it would be fun to get everyone together for a pre-season rally.

Thanks again for the well wishes and the help with my show!


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Here's mine. As my second sentence says... "

there's no wrong way but make sure your support is strong enough for all of those lights."

I just want to say I now consider you the authority on Mega Trees! WOW! Those trees are huge! I will now refer to my mega tree as a mini thanks to your awesome work!

Thanks for the great advice and the pictures. I really enjoyed your show and can't wait to see what you come up with for this year! Best wishes.


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Josh, thanks for the kind words, Bill is def the MT Master when it comes to design and execution :) Mine's ok.. it's a total of 16', a 12' and 4' spliced, with close to 1' in the trunk(ground).. I think the steel fence post is a 2" inside the pvc.. it is really sturdy once guyed (3points), and would easily stand up to the haboob and winter storm winds we get. I use 2' rebar stakes in the ground with plastic covered steel guywire from HomeDepot. I guyed the firestix as well, as those are 1/2" pvc with a 4' rebar inside for rigidity.

If you're up in the Valley during October, I'm doing Corpse Bride for Halloween this year.. sort of retiring my Pirates display for a while.. you can see what it was like over the last several years on my youtube page..

Please dont hesitate to call/write/text if you need some "local" help :) I'm on FB, under my name, too.

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Take a look at this one too. It takes about 2 hours to assemble plus the time to cut the pieces. I used a table saw with a stop to cut the small pieces and was done in about 15 minutes. Very sturdy and is easily moved. I actually built 2, a regular MT and a Spiral MT.

Just another option.

Thank you, also, for your service to our great country. You are very appreciated. Be safe and Happy lighting when you return


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I've not assembled my first ever mega-tree yet. I suppose I should before the season gets here to I can try it out. Its '15 tall. My plan is using "3/8 inch pvc 8 foot diameter base ring covered with black insulation. Its already fabricated as is all the pieces. The ring goes down onto the lawn first and is staked down. The ring has or will have tie-straps for each guide wire and each light string. The pole is a "1 inch, '15 foot black pipe mounted on a chunk of wood base with a hole in it, that sits over the top of a driven in "5/8inch pipe in the ground, just to keep the base from moving sideways. Four "1/16 guidewires to the ground. I've installed a wench and pvc sleeve with 32 hooks on the sleeve to hold the base ring guide wires and light strings, therefore allowing me to crank up the weight. Lighted/controlled light ball on top. I wouldn't need to use the wench if I had a A-frame ladder tall enough.

This will be a spiral tree with 16 light strings going one direction and 16 the other, which is why the guidewires to the base ring allowing the light strings to spiral. I think the plan is sound but lol, I sure won't know till I put it up. No pictures till I do it for the first time.

Edited by dgrant
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Josh, thanks for the kind words, Bill is def the MT Master when it comes to design and execution :) Mine's ok.. it's a total of 16', a 12' and 4' spliced, with close to 1' in the trunk(ground).. I think the steel fence post is a 2" inside the pvc.. it is really sturdy once guyed (3points), and would easily stand up to the haboob and winter storm winds we get. I use 2' rebar stakes in the ground with plastic covered steel guywire from HomeDepot. I guyed the firestix as well, as those are 1/2" pvc with a 4' rebar inside for rigidity.

If you're up in the Valley during October, I'm doing Corpse Bride for Halloween this year.. sort of retiring my Pirates display for a while.. you can see what it was like over the last several years on my youtube page..

Please dont hesitate to call/write/text if you need some "local" help :) I'm on FB, under my name, too.


I love the display from last year. You did an awesome job with the ship! I don't know where you store that thing, but it is awesome. I can't wait to see some pictures on how you plan on topping this years display. I definitely think I will have to take the kids up to Phoenix to check out your show this year. Thanks again with the MT help! Based on everyone's help (Thanks Ron and Dgrant!!!), I don't see why I can't make this mega tree happen. It was really the last thing I needed to figure out so I can start programming. Now it's back to long nights and listening to the same snippet of song track for hours on end! I truly appreciate the help guys and thanks for the well wishes! Can't wait to get back home.


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