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Nutcracker: Did I mention S3?


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Someone has asked me about when Nutcracker will work with S3. oops! i guess i forgot to mention i updated my LOR to S3 v 6-8 weeks ago. All nutcracker lms files seem to work just fine in S3 (v3.4.0 Demo).

I didnt do anything to make this happen, just LOR doing a good job on supporting their previous sequences without needing some sort of conversion.

So, go ahead and load up nutcracker in LOR S3 or S2.

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Sean - do you have a demo of how I'd use an effect in a sequence? That is, let's say I'm synching music to Bing Crosby. Do I simply generate a sequence in Nutcracker, then open it up, and cut and paste it over to my Bing sequence (which would also have all the other channels as well)? Or can (will?) you be able to import into an existing sequence?

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Tim Fischer wrote:


Sean - do you have a demo of how I'd use an effect in a sequence? That is, let's say I'm synching music to Bing Crosby. Do I simply generate a sequence in Nutcracker, then open it up, and cut and paste it over to my Bing sequence (which would also have all the other channels as well)? Or can (will?) you be able to import into an existing sequence?

There are two ways (Remember, i only have the demo versions of the sequencer, have no hardware and am not a LOR expert).

i will be offering to sequence an entire song for your megatree with all effects synced to music. how this will be done will be revealed at the academy this weekend.
You basically get one entire lms sequence for the tree. I think there is a way to cut and paste between two LOR sequences? better minds than me could answer this


Create the nutcracker sequence as a lcb file (LOR Clip Board). This will allow you to then paste it into an existing sequence.

Maybe when someone starts sequencing real hardware with nutcracker, they could make a tutorial of how they did it.

It really helped to jump start the Vixen community when someone (hendence, in australia) sequenced and filmed his tree that he has setup in his yard.

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smeighan wrote:

Tim Fischer wrote:

Sean - do you have a demo of how I'd use an effect in a sequence? That is, let's say I'm synching music to Bing Crosby. Do I simply generate a sequence in Nutcracker, then open it up, and cut and paste it over to my Bing sequence (which would also have all the other channels as well)? Or can (will?) you be able to import into an existing sequence?

There are two ways (Remember, i only have the demo versions of the sequencer, have no hardware and am not a LOR expert).

i will be offering to sequence an entire song for your megatree with all effects synced to music. how this will be done will be revealed at the academy this weekend.
You basically get one entire lms sequence for the tree. I think there is a way to cut and paste between two LOR sequences? better minds than me could answer this


Create the nutcracker sequence as a lcb file (LOR Clip Board). This will allow you to then paste it into an existing sequence.

Maybe when someone starts sequencing real hardware with nutcracker, they could make a tutorial of how they did it.

It really helped to jump start the Vixen community when someone (hendence, in australia) sequenced and filmed his tree that he has setup in his yard.


Thanks Sean.

I was keeping up on the Nutcracker for awhile but have been away for the past 4-5 weeks as far as Christmas stuff goes. I'm back on now, and working with Nutcracker is on my short list :)

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