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Doing the Happy Dance


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Sorry, just had to post and boast, Walker wins across the board by a 20% margin. Called earlier than expected by several networks. Local NBC news is in disbelief of such a victory!

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Here's hoping that one day soon we'll look back on June 5, 2012 as the day that started it - the day that right-minded voters stood up and said, in no uncertain terms, ENOUGH!!!!

Way to go, Wisconsin! Thank you, thank you, thank you...

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George Simmons wrote:

Here's hoping that one day soon we'll look back on June 5, 2012 as the day that started it - the day that right-minded voters stood up and said, in no uncertain terms, ENOUGH!!!!

Way to go, Wisconsin! Thank you, thank you, thank you...

I have got to agree with George on this one. Sorry, I left the union in 2009.
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