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LOR Sequence Editor - Grouping channels

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As very much of a newbie to LOR, is there any way to move channels around once they are set up in the Sequence Editor? I feel it would be helpful when putting together a sequence to group and re-group certain channels throughout the process but so far, I see no way to do that.

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kricher wrote:

As very much of a newbie to LOR, is there any way to move channels around once they are set up in the Sequence Editor? I feel it would be helpful when putting together a sequence to group and re-group certain channels throughout the process but so far, I see no way to do that.

As of 1.6.1, there isn't an easy way to do it. It takes some work arounds, but you can.

The idea is to create some dummy channels near where you want to group the channels. Then copy/paste your timings from the old place to the new.

The downside to this is that if you have many sequences, you will have to do it for each one. If you change the channel order and apply it to all sequences via the import/export tool, your events will not move with you.
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Dan has posted a sticky thread at the beginning of this forum, that has an email address to send your feature reqsuests to. While LOR 1.6.1 has no automatic way to group or move channels around, and get the animation window to follow these changes, enough emails and LOR II just might!
Undersrand that if you do create 'dummy' channels then copy and paste, the animation layout you create will be lost. I found that out the hard way.

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I hope that LORII will allow you to move channels around. I wasted a ton of time this last season trying to get my channels set up correctly in the correct order. As Don said, you have to create new channels and then Cut and Paste. The problem though is what jeffmil talked about about the animation layout being lost. If you want to move the channels around, you have to redraw the layout.

I also learned the hardware and redrew my layout many many times trying to get the channels in the correct order.

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RichardH wrote:

I wasted a ton of time this last season trying to get my channels set up correctly in the correct order...

I feel that the lack of these features will make changing my display around, more complicated each year. I tried to take notes and make copies of the files before editing, so I could go back and see where I fouled up. But with 144 channels, I messed up pretty bad a couple times. It wasn't until I set the show up and walked outside to find that I had shifted every channel up one and had to go back to fix it. At that point I gave up on shifting channels around and made a big drawing of the display with all the channels numbers on each item. Then I quit paying attention to the order. It made it easier if I was sitting in front of the show computer, but I was a nightmare on the laptop...

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