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Sequence effects


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So, I saw someone on facebook that I follow talking about creating sequence effects that can be plugged into different sequences. For example, a fade from left to right of the entire display, or something simpler like arches flowing from one to another.

The idea is, create this movement, then be able to use it by copying and pasting into other sequences rather than re-creating the wheel.

My question is this: What about songs that have different timings? Is there a way to take those effects and paste them into a selected time range that will stretch or shrink them to fill the allotted time? (i.e., an arch fade that may take four seconds can be shrunk into two seconds by pasting into a range of that particular size.)

Anyone have any ideas how to do this? Or perhaps another way to accomplish what I'm talking about without having to manually adjust the timing for each bit of the effect?


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jlowe wrote:

My question is this: What about songs that have different timings? Is there a way to take those effects and paste them into a selected time range that will stretch or shrink them to fill the allotted time? (i.e., an arch fade that may take four seconds can be shrunk into two seconds by pasting into a range of that particular size.)

Anyone have any ideas how to do this? Or perhaps another way to accomplish what I'm talking about without having to manually adjust the timing for each bit of the effect?


Look on the left side of the sequence editor in the tool bar (that is there by default, unless you've hidden it.)

You will see various options there which will help. Don't have the SE in front of me, but I think they are "Paste by Time/Paste by Cell/Stretch to Fit/Repeat to Fit"

The Stretch to Fit would let you take a 4 second effect and 'stretch' it into a two second space (and it would let you stretch it into a 6 second space.)
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Ahh... I'm at work so I don't have the software in front of me, but that makes sense. I hope it's as simple as that! Thanks for the quick response.

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  • 7 months later...

My own experience with this is that you can color the sequence from one song to another without adjusting the timing. In effect, the copied information becomes an "on/off" function that fills whatever size timing is present. For example, if in sequence 1 you had four one second sections and you did a chase where four different colors came on and off right after each other it would take four seconds to complete. If you copy that information to a sequence in which each section lasts only 0.10 seconds then your chase would last 0.4 seconds.

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