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Hello everyone! New to the forum!


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Hey everyone im new to the forum, I'm excited to read thru some threads and expand my knowledge on LOR. Last year I bought a single 16 channel controller and threw together a show. I was HOOKED! This year I plan on adding another 16 channels and a couple of cosmic light ribbons, along with some fog, lasers, and a projector. I plan on trying some projection mapping, I heard that the new software can enable video playback. Has anyone tried this? I have worked in the haunted industry as well as digital media production for about 6 years so I know alot about lighting (mostly dmx) as well as video editing programs like fcpx. What I liked about the LOR software originally is its very simular to fcpx or any editor in the way it's setup. I plan on doing my show to nothing but electronic dance music (hence my username). I'm going to cut together a 45 min megamix and make a video that will match that I will play on the projector outside on the house. Has anyone tried this? Is the LOR software capable of playing back 1080p or 4k video, and even at around 45 minutes long? Anyways hello everyone! I'll post up a link to a snippet of my lil show from past year if anyone's interested.

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welcome to lor, I know you can add video to your display with the software,but since I have not done it yet someone else can help you there. but again welcome and good luck

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Welccome to the fun. Last year, I tried running a 45min show with video's, and ran into problems. I was using a very old computer on xp, but it took a long time for the files to load, and sometimes they would get corrupt in the process. I've updated my computer this year, but haven't tried running last years program. I plan on trying it again this year, just updating my playlist with some new materal. That was my experence, hope yours is better.

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