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New (old) iMac G5

LOR Staff

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I just received 3 different Macs from someone. 1 is so old I'm not even going to try to turn it on. Another is a 400mhz Power Mac G4 that I still have to hook up.

The 'jewel' as it were is an iMac G5. This is the one from around 2005 that had the infamous bad capacitor problems. Sure enough, this one did too - most of the caps on the low voltage side of the PS hand blown.

...an old ATX power supply, a pin puller, some Velcro and an hour's time fired that baby right back up again. Who needs to give Apple $120 for a power supply!

From what I can tell from what is on the drive, she died Nov 22, 2009. But what good is it to me? Other than the design software on this thing (looks like a lot of Adobe high-end stuff - the guy was a graphics designer), is there anything else interesting I can do with this hunk of machine?

First person who says 'Make an S3 version for Macs' will be shot.

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Jeff Millard wrote:

I have a boat with a big hole in it. It could use an anchor...

That's about what I figured. It does look cool though. And I like the Wall-E BONG when it starts up.
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Send it to your competitor and tell them that's the latest controller L.O.R. has developed.

Make sure you take the electronics out of the original case, then put them in a L.O.R. controller box {hopefully they'll fit}, then have them go insane reverse engineering it trying to figure out how it works!:cool: R.O.F.L.M.A.O.

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Find someone who actually loves Mac and wants it. Everyone knows that Macs aren't worth the silicon they're made of!

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Jeff stop using my paper weight that can be doubled as a door stop as your boat anchor

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