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Looking for Choreographer


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Hello Everybody.
I am a newbie to the forum so if this is the wrong way to go about this then let me know. I was wondering if there is somebody out there that would like to work with me on a Christmas project. I love building the hardware side of it, the lights, the rigging, and everything else hands on. I can do the sequencing but I am not an artistic person and would like to partner with somebody that is. I am not looking to “hire” a pro, more someone that likes doing it and doesn’t have the resources to do the hardware side.
My display this year is going to be quite extensive with roughly 128ch and covering an 85’ by 25’ area. I already have the rough layout in mind and visio /visualizer drawings in the works to help with the planning. The display is going to be setup along a highway NE of Edmonton, Alberta. Being close is not required, but if you wanted to see the fruits of your labor in person, it would make things easier. I am not picky when it comes to songs (a few Christmas ones would hurt) and would let you create away.

Thanks for looking.


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runuts wrote:

Hello Everybody.
I am a newbie to the forum so if this is the wrong way to go about this then let me know. I was wondering if there is somebody out there that would like to work with me on a Christmas project. I love building the hardware side of it, the lights, the rigging, and everything else hands on. I can do the sequencing but I am not an artistic person and would like to partner with somebody that is. I am not looking to “hire” a pro, more someone that likes doing it and doesn’t have the resources to do the hardware side.
My display this year is going to be quite extensive with roughly 128ch and covering an 85’ by 25’ area. I already have the rough layout in mind and visio /visualizer drawings in the works to help with the planning. The display is going to be setup along a highway NE of Edmonton, Alberta. Being close is not required, but if you wanted to see the fruits of your labor in person, it would make things easier. I am not picky when it comes to songs (a few Christmas ones would hurt) and would let you create away.

Thanks for looking.


I'm sure you meant to say "wouldn't", not "would" correct??
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Guest Don Gillespie

Welcome Gord let me see if I have this right you would like some one to sequence for you and then other people will say wow what a great job you did, sounds to me like a Mr christmas box would better suite your needs, sorry if I come accross harsh that is not my intention, the fun of this hobby is what you create and how you make the lights dance, every one that does this has some unique songs that is their favorite, it is not hard to do, I with no computer skills have seemed to grasp the concept and people come from all over to see my display, good luck.

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runuts wrote:

Hello Everybody.
I am a newbie to the forum so if this is the wrong way to go about this then let me know.  I was wondering if there is somebody out there that would like to work with me on a Christmas project.  I love building the hardware side of it, the lights, the rigging, and everything else hands on.  I can do the sequencing but I am not an artistic person and would like to partner with somebody that is.  I am not looking to “hire” a pro, more someone that likes doing it and doesn’t have the resources to do the hardware side. 
My display this year is going to be quite extensive with roughly 128ch and covering an 85’ by 25’ area.  I already have the rough layout in mind and visio /visualizer drawings in the works to help with the planning.  The display is going to be setup along a highway NE of Edmonton, Alberta.  Being close is not required, but if you wanted to see the fruits of your labor in person, it would make things easier.  I am not picky when it comes to songs (a few Christmas ones would hurt) and would let you create away.

Thanks for looking.


Welcome to the world of lights Gord. I've been doing light shows for six years, probably never win a contest, not the best videos at all! But I have a passion for doing this, and the thousands of guest that come by seem to agree. In person the labor of all your time spent comes to life in a very special way. No one taught me how, but trust me when I say that when you see what you have created for the first time, YOUR CREATIVE JUICES WILL COME ALIVE! Man it's a great feeling when you made someone else's day. Your in the business for making wonderful holiday memories that could last a lifetime.When sequencing find that song that moves you, feel the beat, rythem or the brass and make special effects happen to it. Once you get your feet wet, well, you'll be off and running and your family will wonder what happened to you! Mr. invisible. Wish you all the best! Carlo
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runuts wrote:

Hello Everybody. The display is going to be setup along a highway NE of Edmonton, Alberta. Being close is not required, but if you wanted to see the fruits of your labor in person, it would make things easier. Thanks for looking. Cheers, Gord
Can you see the Edmonton recycling plant from where you live? If yes then I know who this is. I have some doubt about the availability of someone helping you this year from the Edmonton area. They are fairly busy & cannot even get more than a few songs done for themselves....however you never know. I am very busy myself & I have no clue how I will get any songs done for my own display. Come over to....... ChristmasLights . ca Community Forums or here..... www.lightsinmotioncanada.com ....I believe I asked before. I think some of my sequences could easily be fixed & put into your show . I believe you have my email address, so please send me a copy of your Lcc file & let me have a look. Scott
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Thanks for the replies, especially Carlo, it is good to hear someone else who has been down a similar road. I have friends and family look at me like I have lost my marbles when I show them the stockpile of lights I bought. Even weirder looks when I break out the drawings and explain what I am doing and the scale it is on. I am hooked though, this stuff is awesome, good thing they have sales, otherwise I would have the brightest cardboard box in the alley.

This thread was created more so that I am overwhelmed at putting it all together this year. I did a small 35ch display last year and this year I have almost tripled the controllers and have almost 20 times the lights. I need to trench in roughly 1000’ of underground power, poles, welding, and several other things that all need time. To top it off, I live 3.5 hours away from the farm and just the commute bites into my weekends. I love doing the setup, the planning, and everything else that comes with it. That stuff I can do, I am good doing that and can wrap my head around it. The sequencing is another story, I am learning, but the curve there is different. I used to have a roommate that could listen to a song and within ten minutes, replay that song on his keyboard; I am not that person, hence this search I am on. I did a dozen songs last year with some from scratch and others modified from other people. I am learning and getting better, but one prebuilt put the rest to shame and made the show that much better. I imagine there has to be somebody out there that is my opposite, good with the sequencing side and needs help with the hardware. I am more than willing to help in that area and given how I do a boat load of traveling already, I am really flexible. Having said that statement, I have down time during the weeks, if somebody in the Calgary area needs a hand, let me know.

To answer the few questions, no I am not the same guy out by the recycling plant, further out of the city towards the Gibbons/Redwater area. Last year was small by standards as I got into later in the season and didn’t have the resources to go bigger. I will sign up for a few more of the local forums, the people and ideas that come from these things are invaluable. Thanks for the information and the reply, I have finished visio drawings and am working on the visualizer ones right now, when I’m done I will fire them along. I will send you a PM since I don't have your contact info Scott. Thanks Everybody.


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Guest Don Gillespie

runuts wrote:

Thanks for the replies, especially Carlo, it is good to hear someone else who has been down a similar road.  I have friends and family look at me like I have lost my marbles when I show them the stockpile of lights I bought.  Even weirder looks when I break out the drawings and explain what I am doing and the scale it is on.  I am hooked though, this stuff is awesome, good thing they have sales, otherwise I would have the brightest cardboard box in the alley.
This thread was created more so that I am overwhelmed at putting it all together this year.  I did a small 35ch display last year and this year I have almost tripled the controllers and have almost 20 times the lights.  I need to trench in roughly 1000’ of underground power, poles, welding, and several other things that all need time.  To top it off, I live 3.5 hours away from the farm and just the commute bites into my weekends.  I love doing the setup, the planning, and everything else that comes with it.  That stuff I can do, I am good doing that and can wrap my head around it.  The sequencing is another story, I am learning, but the curve there is different.  I used to have a roommate that could listen to a song and within ten minutes, replay that song on his keyboard; I am not that person, hence this search I am on.  I did a dozen songs last year with some from scratch and others modified from other people.  I am learning and getting better, but one prebuilt put the rest to shame and made the show that much better.  I imagine there has to be somebody out there that is my opposite, good with the sequencing side and needs help with the hardware.  I am more than willing to help in that area and given how I do a boat load of traveling already, I am really flexible.  Having said that stateent, I have down time during the weeks, if somebody in the Calgary area needs a hand, let me know.

To answer the few questions, no I am not the same guy out by the recycling plant, further out of the city towards the Gibbons/Redwater area. Last year was small by standards as I got into later in the season and didn’t have the resources to go bigger.  I will sign up for a few more of the local forums, the people and ideas that come from these things are invaluable.  Thanks for the information and the reply, I have finished visio drawings and am working on the visualizer ones right now, when I’m done I will fire them along. I will send you a PM since I don't have your contact info Scott. Thanks Everybody.


Are you related to Orv in Florida LOL
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runuts wrote:

Thanks for the replies, especially Carlo, it is good to hear someone else who has been down a similar road. I have friends and family look at me like I have lost my marbles when I show them the stockpile of lights I bought. Even weirder looks when I break out the drawings and explain what I am doing and the scale it is on. I am hooked though, this stuff is awesome, good thing they have sales, otherwise I would have the brightest cardboard box in the alley.

This thread was created more so that I am overwhelmed at putting it all together this year. I did a small 35ch display last year and this year I have almost tripled the controllers and have almost 20 times the lights. I need to trench in roughly 1000’ of underground power, poles, welding, and several other things that all need time. To top it off, I live 3.5 hours away from the farm and just the commute bites into my weekends. I love doing the setup, the planning, and everything else that comes with it. That stuff I can do, I am good doing that and can wrap my head around it. The sequencing is another story, I am learning, but the curve there is different. I used to have a roommate that could listen to a song and within ten minutes, replay that song on his keyboard; I am not that person, hence this search I am on. I did a dozen songs last year with some from scratch and others modified from other people. I am learning and getting better, but one prebuilt put the rest to shame and made the show that much better. I imagine there has to be somebody out there that is my opposite, good with the sequencing side and needs help with the hardware. I am more than willing to help in that area and given how I do a boat load of traveling already, I am really flexible. Having said that statement, I have down time during the weeks, if somebody in the Calgary area needs a hand, let me know.


I would suggest not biting off more than you can chew. You are expanding way too much at once if it is more than you can tackle yourself & are forced to rely on others for anything other than advice. Most of us have multi-year expansion plans always in our heads. Just because you thought of it all this year doesn't mean you have to implement it all this year, even if you bought the lights or controllers already--you'll want to keep expanding, so take it slow. Heck I still have LEDs I bought a couple years ago that I haven't added yet, and this year I bought 3 new controllers but only plan to add 1 or 2 (looking forward to actually having a spare). To be honest, the hardware and technical side of this hobby is the easy part, it is the sequencing that takes time to actually do and to learn how to improve, and it mainly happens by practicing. A "finished" sequence might be revised 20 times after you thought it was done. Doesn't matter whether you have musical talent or not (in fact, some of the musically talented guys here comment that it takes them longer since they can hear too many things in the music that you and I probably don't). "Down time during the weeks" gives you plenty of time to practice sequencing. I would scale it back, make it your own by using your time now to improve sequencing skills, and reap the rewards later. Creating your own stellar sequence eventually will blow away the pride obtained from hanging "20x the lights" or building 8 controllers. Walk before you run.

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Hey Gord,

I know someone who does custom sequencing. How much are you willing to pay?

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runuts wrote:

To top it off, I live 3.5 hours away from the farm and just the commute bites into my weekends.

To answer the few questions, no I am not the same guy out by the recycling plant, further out of the city towards the Gibbons/Redwater area.


Where is the setup going..... on the farm or your place near Gibbons. Just wondering if part of the farm is bush?
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Funtobewith11 wrote:

This is my first year of sequencing and I am starting with 144 channels & I have one 7+min "song" done and working on the next. I have to sequence one song a week to be on schedule and to be ready for Christmas.

Jump in with both feet, do it yourself and you will reap the benefits.

Do you ever work or sleep?

.....or if time permits I could help him & he would still reap the benefits.....me too...... because I made a friend.
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I'm with George, Hire him to do a song or two for you. This will give you a big head start on getting some ideas on what your display can do. Sequencing isn't my favorite thing either. I'm still expanding my display. When I get it to where I'm pretty full as to what I can do, I plan to hire George to do a song or two and someday I'll get an EDM transmitter and possibly hire Demented Elf to do the voice overs.

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Funtobewith11 wrote:

lightzilla wrote:
Funtobewith11 wrote:
This is my first year of sequencing and I am starting with 144 channels & I have one 7+min "song" done and working on the next. I have to sequence one song a week to be on schedule and to be ready for Christmas.

Jump in with both feet, do it yourself and you will reap the benefits.

Do you ever work or sleep?

.....or if time permits I could help him & he would still reap the benefits.....me too...... because I made a friend.

I got laid off about 5 years ago but had to take care of my father that past away in January. Now I take care of my mother so; no I do not work and sleeping is a wast of time.

You are working. I have taken care of my mother for a number of years. It is the right, decent, respectable thing to do. I salute you.
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This has been a very educational week for me, met several people who have offered support and ideas where to take this project. I have met people willing to help and I would like to thank them upfront for that, I will be in touch and see what we can do together. The few people who offered professional services might end up hearing from me as well, a few proper built stepping songs may be what I need to kick start this thing.

I looked at it and though “I could scale it back”, but reality is like a lot of people, once you have that perfect idea, it is hard to shake. I got expansion plans bubbling for next year, but I won’t even sketch those out till January otherwise I will disappear into the void. Worst part of this stuff is the wait between seasons, especially when they are talking about possible snow this weekend.

There are some trees out along the back of the property but not ideal. I need to do the electrical trenching so I can still change things if needed. Depending on what first call tells me too, I may need to move things around so I don’t cross a utility line or if I need to change the design of the framework.

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