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have you thought of checking out your local yard / garage sales or maybe your local flea market.if you can t find free your next step is cheap.just rember you get what you pay for

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Yes I have and will be doing that this summer, but being a newbie the quantity of lights I'm lookin for I'd have to go to ever single sale in a 20 mile radius to find all the lights I want. Was just hoping that someone here had 20 strings of some solid color I could nap up and easy my pain. If I get enough replies of that I may not have to do the yard sale thing.

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lol i know from where your coming im in my second year as well good luck.may be you can look forward to this when i did get my display up and ruining i had some locals donate a few about 7 wire frames witch i repaired rewired and painted and included into my display.also if you can find out if there is a state wide enthusiast group for your sate join it and when thay have a gathering thay might have a swap meet / Christmas flea market where deals may be had

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bblumka wrote:

Was just hoping that someone here had 20 strings of some solid color I could nap up and easy my pain. If I get enough replies of that I may not have to do the yard sale thing.

Welcome to the fun!

I have no doubt that 20 strings (which is less than a case) will not be hard to find. I normally don't direct people to other forums but if you do not see a reply here I would suggest checking out Planet Christmas; they have a subforum for each state/local area. That orr find a decorating group near you. The issue you may see if you don't find something locally is that you will double your cost due to shipping. For instance, I sold some lights to someone out of state a year or two ago. The lights cost me $1.50 a box during the after-Christmas-sales. Those more than doubled with shipping.

Good luck on your search.

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