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6803 to ccr controller help

Troy Mann

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Ok I am stuck. I have been researching for about a week now and have not found anything. So here it goes. I purchased a CCR controller to attempt to connect http://www.ebay.com/itm/Dream-Color-RGB-5M-5050-Flash-LED-Strip-Light-94-change-6803-IC-Chip-/320762993347
which I purchased from ebay. Everything came and I attempted to connect the CCR controller to the strip (from a diagram on one of the posts on here). The computer recognizes the controller but I cant seem to get the lights to work. So the questions are:

1) Do you configure them the same as CCR's (I tried to follow the CCR instructions and got nothing)?

2) I noticed there is six wires coming off of this strip RGB and black, then spliced into the blue and black is a power adapter with black and white leads. So my question is doesn't the CCR power the strips? Do the white and black wire need to be removed?

3) The one thing I have not checked was the wiring from the 6803. Is there something I am missing in concerns to the wiring?

Any help would be great
Any diagrams or easy instructions would be wonderful as well.

Thank you in advance

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The trick is the wiring, you have Power +, Ground -, Data, and Clock. The other wires might be power injection they might be something completly forign to what we know about this strip. I would not bridge/connect any 2 wires on the same terminal till I know exactly what they all do. Is there a diagram that came with it?

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Can you trace the wired to parts of the strip that would indicate power +,-,data, and clock? As well the 5th and 6th wires where they go and are they color cordinated with the power wires on the main connector

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Here is a picture.

I have figured out that D1 is (-) and L1 is (+) those where connected correctly (I think)

One the CCR controller the + goes in the first pin by the reset button correct? Then the - would be on the opposite side. Right?

Attached files 308802=16886-6803 Strip.jpg

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It has the standard RGB wiring. The Blue connection has another wire (black) under it for a power supply and the same on the other side but the power supply wire is white.

D1----Black and White wire
C1----Green Wire
St----Red wire
L1-----Blue and black wire.

I assume it the CCR controller applies power too then I could remove the D1 white wire and the L1 black wire.

Attached files 308809=16888-6803 2.jpg

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So that is additional power?

Where is Fast Eddy, or the mad scientist, there has to be a way to figure out which is clock and which is data. I would assume Clock is the C and Signal is Data but not sure.

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I wouldnt power this up until you confirm your connections are correct to the controller or else it will damage the first pixel section of the strip.

I have had 6803 modules and strip both working from the CCR controller so I need to check when i get home what wire goes to what pin on the CCR controller.

this is the correct arrangement for this strip

+12V = Di
Data = Ci
Clock = St
0V = Li

For the extra 2 wires i would just leave and cut them off and only concentrate of the 4 main wires as these extra wires are used for power injection. As far as colours, these always vary depending on what is around at the time.

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Now if you have been just playing around with connections and hoping to get it to work you may have damaged the first pixel IC and now it will not work but instead will all be on or have various colours along the strip, if this is the case then you have damaged the IC and need to cut off that 1st section and reconnect your wires. I hope its more an issue of just not configured in LOR S3 correctly.

Also be aware that i doubt your Red, Green and Blue will be in the correct order and so you will have to change the channel arrangement in LOR S3 to suit.

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Thank you guys for your help so far. I will play with it more tonight and I will get back to you. But again thank you very much; I learned a lot today with the help of you guys and it is much appreciated.

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