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Thriller sequence timing


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I have obtained a 16 channel LOR system to add to my Halloween and Christmas setups. I am learning how to use the software by taking sequences others have done and adapting them to my light setup. I've gotten a Thriller sequence from Ultrashows that I like. It was easily adaptable to my setup, but I have a little problem in that the when the main voice light is activated, the rest of the lights are dark. I wanted to add a little something to spice it up a little bit. I want to add the

to the show. I want to alternate between two lights in time with the bass. However, I am not that musically inclined (I play a real mean radio) and am having trouble trying to figure out the timing. Can anyone help me and explain it in as simple terms as possible, or possible point me to a sequence where they have the bass as a separate part of the sequence and I can see how they have done it?

Thank you in advance.

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I took a look at what you sent, and I don't think it's quite what I am looking for. I need something a bit more simple for me to understand. Thank you for the help, though.


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Are you trying to use this like a light organ, something that "thumps" to the beat? You cant do that. Well, let me clarify that.. you cant do that without actually making a mark, on the grid, where that beat is...

What are you trying to light? Is it a pumpkin, is it a ropelight face? what exactly are you doing? If you tell us what you are going to set out, we may be able to tell you how (or if) it can be done. Have you read how S2/S3 works? Have you read any of the tutorials? Watched any of the videos? How it works is all in those.

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If your looking for just a beat on the Bass line, then you can can use the beat wizard to do that. If your looking for something more complicated like a VU meter tower or such then it takes a bit more work for that beat. So it lights from bottom to top.

Please clarify what your trying to accomplish. It sound to me you have 2 channels (props) you want to go to the beat line, when the bass hits to cycle back and forth, so on beat 1 the left prop, then the next beat right prop?

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If you're trying to alternate 2 lights at different times on the same beat. There isn't any way that I know of that that can be accomplished with anything! It requires 2 beats to that. If I am understanding what you're wanting, which sounds like two lights on, but at different times on the same beat/note. If that is what you're attempting?

If so, it can not be done to my knowledge, not alternate two lights on the same exact beat. Two beats, then light #1 on, light #2 off on first beat, then light #1 off, light #2 on would be the second beat.

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richslights wrote:

i am looking for a copy of a thriller sequence with the face movement if someone could sen me one that would be great

Send me a PM with e-mail and i'll send you mine
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GoofyGuy wrote:

Please clarify what your trying to accomplish. It sound to me you have 2 channels (props) you want to go to the beat line, when the bass hits to cycle back and forth, so on beat 1 the left prop, then the next beat right prop?

That's exactly what I am trying to do, in time with the bass.

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TJ Hvasta wrote:

Are you trying to use this like a light organ, something that "thumps" to the beat? You cant do that. Well, let me clarify that.. you cant do that without actually making a mark, on the grid, where that beat is...

What are you trying to light? Is it a pumpkin, is it a ropelight face? what exactly are you doing? If you tell us what you are going to set out, we may be able to tell you how (or if) it can be done. Have you read how S2/S3 works? Have you read any of the tutorials? Watched any of the videos? How it works is all in those.

1. What I am trying to light is a still bit up in the air. It may be inflatables lit by spot lights or blowmold pumpkins lit internally. My wife ahs suggested we make some pumpkin outlines out of plywood and then have string lights attached to them.
2. Yes, I have read the PDFs
3/4: I have watched all of the videos on this page with the exception of the cosmic color ribbons videos because I don't have any of those.

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Torqumada286 wrote:

GoofyGuy wrote:

Please clarify what your trying to accomplish. It sound to me you have 2 channels (props) you want to go to the beat line, when the bass hits to cycle back and forth, so on beat 1 the left prop, then the next beat right prop?

That's exactly what I am trying to do, in time with the bass.


If this is the case you can use the beat wizard. It takes a bit of work setting the beats up as Im not musically inclined but some of the guys on here do it in seconds. The trick would be to setup the beat wizard to light a channel on every other beat or bass hit, this is simple as you setup on turn on every 8 beats instead of 4. Or whatever the beat may be. Then you use the exact same setup just off set it by half that number. So in the offset tab, if the beat was 8 you type in 4. I may have made that more confusing than helpful but if you read it a few times it will make sense.
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richslights wrote:

how much did someone get rope lighting for the thriller sequence and where did you get it
novelty-lights.com has it on spools. 150ft for $55-$75 plus shipping. For mine last year I got four 6ft faces and still had some left over.
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richslights wrote:

Oh how long we're each channel of rope
you can cut their rope light every 18 inches so you need to figure out what you need and remember to keep it in increments of 18inches. don't forget to get extra connectors.
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