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Any way to show DMX in the visualizer ???

Denise Brunner

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I bet that would be difficult to do, especially the tracking. Colors are one thing but head movement is a whole other animal. That does bring forth one good question though. I would assume there is something in there to do this with.


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I believe your diagram is wrong. You need two #3's. One for the LOR network and another one for the DMX universe.
I like the #7's!

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scubado wrote:

I believe your diagram is wrong. You need two #3's. One for the LOR network and another one for the DMX universe.
I like the #7's!

If you are using an idmx, you should only need one.
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scubado wrote:

I believe your diagram is wrong. You need two #3's. One for the LOR network and another one for the DMX universe.
I like the #7's!

Thats LORs digram from thier website not mine. I was pointing out that they have Yoke lights in there.
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I am not looking for the wiring of the DMX system since I have that up and running already. As I stated, I am looking for a way to show the DMX lights in the visualizer.

Any ideas ???


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I understand what you were asking, I was only showing they have them in thier picture of the setup so they have to know a way to setup in visualizer.

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sorry, gotta. I have the LOR controlling all the DMX stuff, but just have no way of checking it in the visualizer.

I thought you just didn't understand the question. It was just me not understanding your understanding. lol

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The current version of the visualizer will do DMX lights. For the device type select 'DMX', and then specify the universe and address (that match the Sequence Editor).

The visualizer will NOT however do 'moving' yokes (IE, spots or Gobo's that move across the stage). That's on the wishlist.

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If you setup the colors your trying and intensity it will show you those, but the XYZ cords will not show up, so that will be the fun part! Im using the Flood lamps as my props for pumpkins until I make the actual props.

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It will show as a stationary light (or whatever) in the place where you put it.

I wouldn't wire the movement channels: The Vis will try to interpret them as colors and display them as such.

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What I did for now is put one light up on the lighting truss (single bulb) and added like 6 more on the ground in areas that I would be moving the spot to. For now I will just have to imagine them moving about.

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Why not setup the prop, and add a single bulb to each side and top and bottom setup on the movement channels. Make the bulb white or a color that will show up with intensity that you can see. So as your moving it left the bulb on the left will intensify indicating how far you have it moved? Also does it auto center on no signal present on those channels or do you have to command it back to center? I think the setup in terms of the dots will help you at least see where its going and an idea of how far.

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I had to set up some moving yokes and mirrors in the same spots as I needed, then with the Utility program's console, move the DMX sliders until it hit the marks.

Then wrote the actual DMX values down on paper.

Later, I put them in the Sequence Editor as the actual DMX values to they could hit their marks again and used the Fill Tool to get there smoothly.

Cumbersome, but worked.

Used the LOR iDMX throughout.

I suppose I could have done the same thing with the Enttec Software Utility that came with the Pro version. You can change individual DMX channels with it.

Didn't try it tho.

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