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choosing specific channels when doing a sequence

dave carlstedt

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I am planning on adding another controller.
Q. If i am programming a sequence using multiple controllers, but only working on a few channels from each controller, can I hide the channels (tracks) I am not working on, while working on a sequence.
I think it would be easier, and less confusing with only certain channels displayed. Thanks very much.
Such as: Only viewing on the monitor, channels 3-6 on first controller, and channels 5-12 on the second controller. Thanks very much.

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dave carlstedt wrote:

I am planning on adding another controller.
Q. If i am programming a sequence using multiple controllers, but only working on a few channels from each controller, can I hide the channels (tracks) I am not working on, while working on a sequence.
I think it would be easier, and less confusing with only certain channels displayed. Thanks very much.
Such as: Only viewing on the monitor, channels 3-6 on first controller, and channels 5-12 on the second controller. Thanks very much.

Have you upgraded to S3?

If so there is a new feature called "Groups"....

I had all 528 of my channels visible on one screen when I had the groups collapsed...and you just "expand" the "group" you want to work on.

You can group your channels inany way you want...have sub-groups within groups, etc, etc...
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No, i am using S2 2.7.6
So, not available, I take it, using this software.
Does that mean all tracks (32) will be visible at all times? thanks

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You can also create a new track and populate it with the channels you require to program. You can do this in the same sequence and have multiple tracks for different objects in your display. create a new track and COPY the channels you need to the new track from the main track

Ex. track 2 = minitrees

track 3 = light poles


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