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LOR in Australia


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A great place to find other Aussie LOR users is at www.auschristmaslighting.com There are quite a few from SA using LOR that would be glad to help you
Feel free to also jump into the chat room and say hello

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you can also click on the Australia in your profile and it will show there are 89 members in Australia

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There are many of us from Australia and indeed a handful from Adelaide.

I'm from Salisbury East, Adelaide.

I echo the above comment - head on over to http://auschristmaslighting.com - its a site catering for Aussie decorators but also sees people from other countries drop in regularly to ask questions.

There's an interest topic on AusChristmasLighting for a 'miniature mini' get together in Adelaide for June 23 or 24 too. Topics which may be discussed/shown related to LightORama could be LOR S3 - what's new and different from LOR S2, how to make a basic sequence in LOR S3 and possibly a demo on the few ways at adding generic DMX products into the mix without having to retire the LOR equipment.

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