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initial sequence testing ?


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A newbie question.
WinXP, Hardware 3.1.4 finds Comm 11 for 16PC-G3 V3 w/1.04 firmware. Testing unit operation works - lights all work. (I have single strings attached to each output for testing)
(Question - what is the cable pinout for the "phone cable"? Is it a 4 pin,or 6 pin RJ ?)
I ended up using a Cat5 cable which works - telco 4 pin did not work.
Going to sequence editor - load LOR_Chase_sample.las file -
Under Time Scale - I see each channel is listed (Unit 01.1, etc).
I run Play/Start Sequence - nothing, I selected Play/Control Lights then Play/Start Sequence again - still no lights.
The sequence editor runs - each channel marker reacts to show it is active, but this does not get sent to the actual lights...
Must be something I am doing wrong... and am not finding the answers in the manual.
Thanks for the help.

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Few things to try.

1) With only the Hardware Utility running (no LOR Control Panel in your task bar) make sure the HWU can see the lights.

2) If that works, then close the HWU and open the Sequence Editor. You should have a blue box at the bottom right of the page. This means that the Sequence Editor has control of the COM port, and will be able to send the commands to the controller.

Sounds like you have everything else set correctly.

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Don is slightly mistaken. First make sure nothing of LOR is loaded and in the task bar. Now open the Hardware utility. Make sure that it has the proper comm port set. Now click on the refresh and see if the controller show up. The HWU only sees CONTROLLERS not lights themselves. Select the controller and then go to the to the lower boxes to control the light. I like to use the chase feature but there have been a few times that I wanted all of the channels on at the same time. Turn all of the lights off and close the HWU

Now open the Sequence edit and make sure that the Control lights is selected. Also make sure that the channel is bound to the same controller as discovered in the HWU. If bound the right controller and the control lights is selected. Then it should make the lights dance.

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Thanks for the confirmations. I have the HWU issues clear - adn the HWU does see and control unit 1 - testing allows all the light channels to be tested and controlled on, off, etc.
When I then open the sequence editor - nothing. It is set to control unit 01 which is what the unit is set for (factory)
I will run though it again - I'd shut down that computer a bit ago and post if anything changes.
I don't know if the sequence editor had a blue box in the lower right - but will check for that also. I will make sure I've closed the HWU before I open the sequence editor.

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Eureka - I think I likely had not closed the HWU before opening the sequence editor -
I made sure to only open the sequence editor and it connected and worked as intended. Thanks.
Logically it makes sense that you can only have one program control the USB/Serial port driver -

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