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Flip Ultra HD Camera


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I know there was a lot of talk about the flip camera last year and several people bought it to video their displays. I have several cameras and a video camera but just can't seem to get a crisp clean video of the lights. The Flip camera only has a 1.6 mp resolution but the videos I've seen that were taken with the Flip looked really nice, but so do a lot of others. I was just wondering if those of you who have one are pleased with it and would you recommend it. I'm not looking to spend a lot of money on a video carmera. I just want to know what you think about your Flip camera. Thanks

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I used a similar camera as I could not find the flip HD when I wanted one. There are a few displays on there that were recoreded with them and all had great reviews. I bought the Kodak version of it with 720 Progressive at 60 Frames per second. This is what I used to record mine and Im very very happy with the outcome. The cameras are so small its hard to believe they do the job but Im certain the Flip will do the job you want.

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I'm a big Flip fan. For the price I'm not aware of anything that touches it. My 2009 Videos were from a camera that cost four times as much. My 2010 and 2011 videos were the Flip. I also got a wide angle lens which every now and then seems to cause a slight amount of blur compared to the same camera position w/o the wide angle lens. Professional grade it's not, and high humidity sometimes seems to create color washes that I wish weren't there, but overall I give it an A. See what YOU think - there's '10 and '11 video links on the front page:


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I use the Flip camera as well and am more than pleased with it.
I think that for the price you really can't beat it.
It does take very clean and crisp video and it so easy to use that I can't find a reason to try anything else.

And you have just reminded me to get busy and edit my 2011 videos so that I can get them posted on my web page.

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George Simmons wrote:

I'm a big Flip fan. For the price I'm not aware of anything that touches it. My 2009 Videos were from a camera that cost four times as much. My 2010 and 2011 videos were the Flip. I also got a wide angle lens which every now and then seems to cause a slight amount of blur compared to the same camera position w/o the wide angle lens. Professional grade it's not, and high humidity sometimes seems to create color washes that I wish weren't there, but overall I give it an A. See what YOU think - there's '10 and '11 video links on the front page:


Wow, George. I watched your 20011 and 2010 and compared to 2009. What a difference! And your 2009's look much better than my videos from this year. Guess a Flip is going on my wish list!

And it has been a while since I had watched any of your sequences.... since before I really started sequencing, so now I am watching with a different 'eye'. :) Very nice.
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Hi Lori,

Thanks for your kind words.

I use the Flip Ultra HD. I could be wrong but I don't believe they're being made any longer - so Ebay might be your only option. There might even be something better by now for the same price - IDK since I haven't been keeping track. If only they had tripod mounts, there are some phones that take some pretty awesome video as well.

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The Kodak Playfull is esentially the same camera. I could not find locally the HD Flip. So on the fly I had to compare. The Kodak also has a tripod mount. It looks silly on the mount because the mount is many times larger than the camera but still Im very happy with the outcome.

The Playfull has full 1080p at 30 frames per second, I decided to use the 720p with 60FPS to capture the shimmer and fades better. I do not have the software yet to take advantage of the video I have so it is a lower standard then what I recorded. I do still have the master copy to edit when I do get the software I will have the 720p with high frame rate.

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I have the Flip UltraHD U2120B (2nd Generation) model, and have been very pleased with my videos (and from what I remember, I think George was too, so he took my advice and bought one too :cool: ) Reviews for the 3rd Gen version were not as good as the 2nd Gen, but not sure how that affects xmas light videoing. So this year (and maybe part of last year's) I used a newer "better" camera that had better specs, but when I went back and compared I think that the Flip might have done better. So I went back out and refilmed the whole show using the Flip during the last week. Haven't edited anything yet to confirm this side by side though.
Either way, the Flip is simple to use (heck, even George does well with it :P), and takes great video. Unfortunately Cisco bought Flip and then let it die within a year--I suspect that they didn't want to compete against smart phones. I have seen some deals for Flips for about $50 which is a steal. I got mine for $100 about 3 years ago, which was a steal then IMO (at the time they were priced about $130 I think).

Flip UltraHD U2120B -- I think the "U2" means 2nd gen. "120" =120minutes (2hr recording time, which was 8GB memory) and "B" = Black. Not sure if their model number scheme continued like that or not.

Make sure you only get UltraHD and not just the Ultra.

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i dont know what model mine is, i know its ultra hd, but it has the cisco name on the bottom. but it DOES have a tripod mount hole on the bottom. it does really well for the price.

I still havent edited any of our 2011 video, so nothing to really show for it, but I am happy with it.

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The Flip I bought this year is Model No. U32120B. It is the #rd generation (newest model) 8GB black model. It took much better video over the DXG camera I used last year. Colors were bright and vivid and not washed out. Only gripes I have is the darkness and focus. When I filmed it was a full moon and you could see the outline of my house, but in the video it is pitch black. Also, the focus is off a little. You can barely read my Tune To sign.

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GoofyGuy wrote:

The Kodak Playfull is esentially the same camera. I could not find locally the HD Flip. So on the fly I had to compare. The Kodak also has a tripod mount. It looks silly on the mount because the mount is many times larger than the camera but still Im very happy with the outcome.

The Playfull has full 1080p at 30 frames per second, I decided to use the 720p with 60FPS to capture the shimmer and fades better. I do not have the software yet to take advantage of the video I have so it is a lower standard then what I recorded. I do still have the master copy to edit when I do get the software I will have the 720p with high frame rate.

I guess I'll check out what all is available this year. Do you have any videos taken using the Kodak Playfull? From several of the videos I've seen the Flip still may be hard to beat for the price, but I'm a little concerned that they're not making them anymore and won't have support for them for very much longer.
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George Simmons wrote:

Hi Lori,

Thanks for your kind words.

I use the Flip Ultra HD. I could be wrong but I don't believe they're being made any longer - so Ebay might be your only option. There might even be something better by now for the same price - IDK since I haven't been keeping track. If only they had tripod mounts, there are some phones that take some pretty awesome video as well.

To clarify since some have misinterpreted this: Flips have tripod mounts. George was stating that phones don't.
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Linda wrote:

GoofyGuy wrote:
The Kodak Playfull is esentially the same camera. I could not find locally the HD Flip. So on the fly I had to compare. The Kodak also has a tripod mount. It looks silly on the mount because the mount is many times larger than the camera but still Im very happy with the outcome.

The Playfull has full 1080p at 30 frames per second, I decided to use the 720p with 60FPS to capture the shimmer and fades better. I do not have the software yet to take advantage of the video I have so it is a lower standard then what I recorded. I do still have the master copy to edit when I do get the software I will have the 720p with high frame rate.

I guess I'll check out what all is available this year. Do you have any videos taken using the Kodak Playfull? From several of the videos I've seen the Flip still may be hard to beat for the price, but I'm a little concerned that they're not making them anymore and won't have support for them for very much longer.

They will be supported until 12/31/13. You will get your money's worth by then.

Support Details

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Surfing4Dough wrote:

George Simmons wrote:
Hi Lori,

Thanks for your kind words.

I use the Flip Ultra HD. I could be wrong but I don't believe they're being made any longer - so Ebay might be your only option. There might even be something better by now for the same price - IDK since I haven't been keeping track. If only they had tripod mounts, there are some phones that take some pretty awesome video as well.

To clarify since some have misinterpreted this: Flips have tripod mounts. George was stating that phones don't.

sorry, that was me, i misread george's post... i didnt know if maybe the 2nd gen or 1st gen flips didnt have mounts (although, i thought that would have been crazy for them not too...)

but didnt mean to mislead or confuse anyone... :P it's the bald head, too much sun on it ... causing some brain damage i would imagine. LOL
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