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Heck...who needs fuses?


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So the other night a teenager was admiring my lights and asking me if it was Light-O-Rama. I said yeah I just got my first controller. He was showing me a picture of his static display with like 15-20 blow ups. I shared with him my mishap of plugging 14 incandescent strings in series because I thought they were LED and I blew the fuse in the first string. He says..."I can tell you how to fix that....pull the fuses out of the string and cut a piece of a nail and put it in there." Having a EE degree I couldn't help but laugh...then afterwards tried to explain the purpose of having the fuses. ;)

I also laughed when he said..."Yeah I gotta get me one of those Light-O-Rama controllers...I'm in 4H and I'm thinking of selling my pig."


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Gilrock wrote:

So the other night a teenager was admiring my lights and asking me if it was Light-O-Rama. I said yeah I just got my first controller. He was showing me a picture of his static display with like 15-20 blow ups. I shared with him my mishap of plugging 14 incandescent strings in series because I thought they were LED and I blew the fuse in the first string. He says..."I can tell you how to fix that....pull the fuses out of the string and cut a piece of a nail and put it in there." Having a EE degree I couldn't help but laugh...then afterwards tried to explain the purpose of having the fuses. :)

I also laughed when he said..."Yeah I gotta get me one of those Light-O-Rama controllers...I'm in 4H and I'm thinking of selling my pig."


dude, you have an ee degree and you dont know the difference between led's and incandescents (per your previous post) ? theres gotta be a joke in there somewhere too :shock:
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Guest Don Gillespie

pikadroo wrote:

Good good...

LOR, a pig, and a lipstick walk into a bar... and something something punch line...

It's a work in progress...

Kinda sad tho the kid has to sell a pig... doesn't he have baseball cards or an old video game to sell... something? Anything? Save the pig!


are pigs going for that much, must sell more pigs to get controllers :)
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Guest wbottomley

Don Gillespie wrote:

pikadroo wrote:
Good good...

LOR, a pig, and a lipstick walk into a bar... and something something punch line...

It's a work in progress...

Kinda sad tho the kid has to sell a pig... doesn't he have baseball cards or an old video game to sell... something? Anything? Save the pig!


are pigs going for that much, must sell more pigs to get controllers :)

No. EE degrees! ;)
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Lol, I'm 17 and in 4-H, (Actually there is a sign in our display that says, "I got my start in 4-H.) not to mention we decided to buy our 1st controller this year at a 4-H meeting. We own a farm with a ton of hogs.. So what your saying is I need to steal one of dads hogs to sell to get more controllers for my 4-H advisers house? Lol!

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dang it i have no pigs to sell... hmmmm what could i sell? I have a bow i dont use and some new gas grills. So if those sold i would be about half way to 1 controller...lol But seriously if anyone needs a gas grill i have 2 new ones i will sell for $20 each.

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wbottomley wrote:

No. EE degrees! :P

I don't know - doesn't look like EEs are worth much these days. Perhaps it was earned before LEDs were invented.
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George Simmons wrote:

wbottomley wrote:
No. EE degrees! :D

I don't know - doesn't look like EEs are worth much these days.  Perhaps it was earned before LEDs were invented.

Well thanks for the insults guys. I'm new to the forum but I'm smart enough to see you two are full of negativity and well crafted useless answers.
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Don't worry about those guys, they're really pretty good people (sometimes) when you get to know them. Every once in a while we get carried away with joking around.

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Gilrock wrote:

I shared with him my mishap of plugging 14 incandescent strings in series because I thought they were LED and I blew the fuse in the first string... Having a EE degree I couldn't help but laugh...

Thanks for the plug Mark, but I'll take the brickbats on this one - I've earned them.

Sorry you were offended Gil. Kind of hard to know how thick a new person's skin is until it's tested. Sometimes the joke is on me, and it looks like this is one of those times.

Reading your original post, excerpted above, I assumed (and you know what they say about that) your EE had something to do with 'electrical'. I don't know why I jumped to that conclusion, but I did. I found it amusingly incongruous (at the very least) that someone thusly educated could not differentiate a filament from a diode.

Since I've never heard anyone before (including people with college educations) confuse incandescents and LEDs, I was certain it was YOU, sir, who was doing the joking. Hence my response in kind. I did not mean to make fun of your lack of knowledge, and I'll try to be more helpful and less irreverent the next time around.
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Guest wbottomley

Gilrock wrote:

George Simmons wrote:
wbottomley wrote:
No. EE degrees! :)

I don't know - doesn't look like EEs are worth much these days.  Perhaps it was earned before LEDs were invented.

Well thanks for the insults guys. I'm new to the forum but I'm smart enough to see you two are full of negativity and well crafted useless answers.

Well... thank you.

Ignore button pressed for the 10th time.
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wbottomley wrote:

Gilrock wrote:
George Simmons wrote:
wbottomley wrote:
No. EE degrees! :)

I don't know - doesn't look like EEs are worth much these days. Perhaps it was earned before LEDs were invented.

Well thanks for the insults guys. I'm new to the forum but I'm smart enough to see you two are full of negativity and well crafted useless answers.

Well... thank you.

Ignore button pressed for the 10th time.

LOL...saves me the trouble. Sorry but when I read you're responses here I had just come from my LED Quality thread where I asked a serious question and you gave a smart remark. So then I noticed you had over 3000 replies so I read some of them. I saw attacks on use of punctuation marks and language. I guess the inside joke of my response went unnoticed with my play on words using both your taglines "Just say NO to negativity." and "A very-well crafted intellectual answer."
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George Simmons wrote:

Gilrock wrote:
I shared with him my mishap of plugging 14 incandescent strings in series because I thought they were LED and I blew the fuse in the first string... Having a EE degree I couldn't help but laugh...

Thanks for the plug Mark, but I'll take the brickbats on this one - I've earned them.

Sorry you were offended Gil. Kind of hard to know how thick a new person's skin is until it's tested. Sometimes the joke is on me, and it looks like this is one of those times.

Reading your original post, excerpted above, I assumed (and you know what they say about that) your EE had something to do with 'electrical'. I don't know why I jumped to that conclusion, but I did. I found it amusingly incongruous (at the very least) that someone thusly educated could not differentiate a filament from a diode.

Since I've never heard anyone before (including people with college educations) confuse incandescents and LEDs, I was certain it was YOU, sir, who was doing the joking. Hence my response in kind. I did not mean to make fun of your lack of knowledge, and I'll try to be more helpful and less irreverent the next time around.

Hey I can take it. I was trying to dish it back out with the play on words from you're taglines.

I do have an Electrical Engineering degree but to be honest I've been an embedded software engineer for 25 years so I don't use it much. I make mistakes like everyone else but I don't usually repeat them. This was the first time I've ever bought christmas lights and I'll admit I didn't read all the boxes and I wasn't staring at filaments. I put together my display and sequenced my songs in a week so I did everything in a rush. I read the entire 500+ page LOR software manual which I highly recommend to new users. So I popped a fuse and discovered my mistake...no big deal.

So peace...consider it forgotten.
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You know I went back to my christmas display thread and noticed you gave me a nice reply George so I take back any bad thoughts I had about you last night. :D

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Guest wbottomley

Gilrock wrote:

wbottomley wrote:
Gilrock wrote:
George Simmons wrote:
wbottomley wrote:
No. EE degrees! ;)

I don't know - doesn't look like EEs are worth much these days.  Perhaps it was earned before LEDs were invented.

Well thanks for the insults guys. I'm new to the forum but I'm smart enough to see you two are full of negativity and well crafted useless answers.

Well... thank you.

Ignore button pressed for the 10th time.

LOL...saves me the trouble.  Sorry but when I read you're responses here I had just come from my LED Quality thread where I asked a serious question and you gave a smart remark.  So then I noticed you had over 3000 replies so I read some of them.  I saw attacks on use of punctuation marks and language.  I guess the inside joke of my response went unnoticed with my play on words using both your taglines "Just say NO to negativity." and "A very-well crafted intellectual answer."

In the LED quality thread... you asked for thoughts/opinions. I thought mine was a good answer. They are many threads on the board about department store LEDs vs. Commercial LED's.

There's no need to rewrite everything again when it has already been written. I'm not being a jerk... just stating the facts. ;)
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wbottomley wrote:

In the LED quality thread... you asked for thoughts/opinions. I thought mine was a good answer. They are many threads on the board about department store LEDs vs. Commercial LED's.

There's no need to rewrite everything again when it has already been written. I'm not being a jerk... just stating the facts. ;)

Well at least I kept my newbie question in the Newbie section. ;)

You've been around here several years so I bet not many questions get asked you haven't heard before. I've been in several forums over the years for my various hobbies and it always happens. Topics get repeated. When I was doing astro-photography the experienced folks in one of the forums were getting so upset they created their own special forum that was invite only. I try to do my best searching stuff before asking questions. I think that post started out more of a long rambling message and then I felt the need to throw a question in there at the end.

Anyways I'll try not to take things personal. Looks like you have a huge display...never know I might make it by there some Christmas since I have a lot of relatives in NC. My parents live on Lake Gaston and my sister is in Greensboro.
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