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Final Night Eureka! Moment

George Simmons

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I have a six-second announcement that says: "For the comfort of everyone else, please turn your headlights down. Thank You." No matter how often that runs, or no matter how often another announcement also mentions it, well, you know where this is going...

Tonight, there was a whole string of cars across the street and sure enough - about fifteen seconds after that announcement ran someone comes along and parks smack-dab in front of the house and leaves their headlights on - shining in everyone's eyes.

I stood at the window fuming for a few seconds and then the idea bulb suddenly went on in my brain. I quickly plopped myself down (yes, the chair is sturdy and can handle that strain) and opened Zara Radio. I created a playlist with one item in it - that six second announcement. I looked out the window - headlights were still on - so I pressed play.

The announcement ran - nothing happened. I waited about ten seconds and then I played it again. I looked outside again and, Voila!, success! The foolish (insert colorful epithet here) must have finally realized that voice-over was playing for an audience of one!

Wow! I wish I had thought of this four years ago! Now I just hope I remember it for next season. Failing that, I hope next season I come across wherever I wrote it down and tucked the note away.

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Only problem is that some people aren't able to turn off their lights (or least they don't know how to over-ride the automatic lights). That is what I keep telling myself when I see idiots with their lights on.

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Sharon and I have spent tons of time outside this year and have seen many, many people scanning their owner's manual to learn how to turn their lights off. And they all apparently succeeded. Your point has merit, but I suspect "aren't able to turn off" only applies to a very, very small percentage. Our experience shows that most just need motivation to pick up the book and read and learn.

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Guest wbottomley

George Simmons wrote:

Sharon and I have spent tons of time outside this year and have seen many, many people scanning their owner's manual to learn how to turn their lights off.  And they all apparently succeeded.  Your point has merit, but I suspect "aren't able to turn off" only applies to a very, very small percentage.  Our experience shows that most just need motivation to pick up the book and read and learn.

George, I can relate to that so much in particular place. But... most of the time they are too lazy. :)
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George Simmons wrote:

Sharon and I have spent tons of time outside this year and have seen many, many people scanning their owner's manual to learn how to turn their lights off. And they all apparently succeeded. Your point has merit, but I suspect "aren't able to turn off" only applies to a very, very small percentage. Our experience shows that most just need motivation to pick up the book and read and learn.

I agree completely, but I just tell myself otherwise to keep my blood pressure from rising as much. Maybe you could have a 2nd voiceover indicating to check your owner's manual if you aren't sure how to turn off their lights. Play the first one on demand the first 3 times, and then pull out the 2nd voiceover for the idiots that don't get it the first few times. Might make an interesting comedy bit for the other viewers as well.
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Surfing4Dough wrote:

Maybe you could have a 2nd voiceover indicating to check your owner's manual if you aren't sure how to turn off their lights. Play the first one on demand the first 3 times, and then pull out the 2nd voiceover for the idiots that don't get it the first few times. Might make an interesting comedy bit for the other viewers as well.

What a great suggestion... I love it. I'm making a note to record that second voice-over tonight and put it in a 2012 file folder. thanks!
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PMC wrote:

I know on my car a Honda Civic, all I need to do is engauge the emergency brake and the aux head lights go out

I believe such overrides are brand specific rather than model specific. Do these techniques change from year to year? If not, I wonder if there would be benefit having a "cheat-sheet" for how to turn of your headlights on your display website if you have one. Just the main ones of course: Honda, Toyota, Ford, Chevy, Chrysler, etc. Easy enough to do, but that is assuming that the technique is the same for all models of that brand, and doesn't change from year to year (I don't own a car with such lights, so don't know).
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My Wife has a VW Touareg, and I have no idea how to turn the lights off.
I was out with my son, in her car, to watch my New Years show, and I was the A-hole with his lights on....LOL

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SteveMaris wrote:

I was out with my son, in her car, to watch my New Years show, and I was the A-hole with his lights on....LOL

Ouch - that's gotta hurt...
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I should check my wife's car manual, I have no clue on her car either. It's a Pontiac Grand Prix (Grand Crap). I prefer my minivan anyway, bigger windows to see displays. :cool:

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scubado: try engaging the praking brake. My brother has a 2004 GP and his shuts off that way.

scubado wrote:

I should check my wife's car manual, I have no clue on her car either. It's a Pontiac Grand Prix (Grand Crap). I prefer my minivan anyway, bigger windows to see displays. :cool:
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I have a 2000 chevy lumina and i have to shut off the engine and apply the parking break to get the headlights to shut off.

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I seem to have had more than a normal share of folks who either could not or did not want to shut off the headlights this year as well.

I was tinkering with making a photocell pickup inside a piece of PVC painted black so that it will only pick up on direct light shined on it and place that near the front of the display to "watch" for headlights.
Then tie that to a controller trigger to run events and play the "headlights off please". I have had some pretty good success with it just "seeing" headlights and nothing else that would cause a false tripping.

Just need to get some more parts to finish building the timer and relay interface to the controller and I will tinker with my automatic reminder for next year.

Maybe a warning that if they don't turn off the headlights, then I will have to stop the show and play a listing of all model cars and how to turn the headlights off for them! That should be an hour or so show all by itself wouldn't you think?

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I had the same issue, but like CKSedg (above), I chose not to watch outside too much while my show was running.
The other problem I was having... my street runs north/south, and for the most part, people would line up facing north, allowing southbound traffic to get through (and northbound for the ppl who weren't there for the show). But there was always that one car that would park right smack in front of my display in the southbound lane, blocking any traffic from getting by! Then the car horns would start blowing. That prompted me to go outside to see what the problem was, because I didn't want the police at my door!!! Fortunately the horn blowing was enough to take care of the issue and I didn't have to do anything.

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I must have been lucky, almost all of the visitors here pulled off the road, turned the lights off, and watched the show. Had no blocked driveways. Only problem I had was one car was watching the show, somewhat pulled off the road, neighbors sprinkler came on, under the car,(guess how this ends), they decide to pull away, but car did not elevate the same amount the sprinkler head did, and I have Old Faithful out at the street! two cars, stayed, guys get out, I go to the neighbors, ask to turn off sprinkler, me and son and the 2 guys fix it, all good. The 2 cars stay and watch another 3-4 songs!

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wallleyes wrote:

I have a 2000 chevy lumina and i have to shut off the engine and apply the parking break to get the headlights to shut off.

It's the same thing with my 2000 Silverado, but I found out (from the manual) that the little button next to the lights knob... if I press it rapidly 4 times in a row, it will turn the lights off w/o shutting off the engine.
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