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Multiple Controllers ?

Champion Sound Entertainment

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So im just curious what is the best way to go about getting multiple controllers? I see some of you with 200-500 channels. Did you all just buy them at straight retail price? Did you get partial assembly? Are there sales during off season? After getting my first controller, ive realized i need alot more channels... about 160 more...

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There are sales during the off season. (Spring/Summer)

I add some each year. Started with 80 channels (5 controllers, back in the day before the PC series) and work my way up to where I'm at now. (Which, I have no idea what the number is. Not that it's a lot, I just can never remember.)

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Don wrote:

There are sales during the off season. (Spring/Summer)

I add some each year. Started with 80 channels (5 controllers, back in the day before the PC series) and work my way up to where I'm at now. (Which, I have no idea what the number is. Not that it's a lot, I just can never remember.)

What are resedential PC controllers assembled price during these sales?
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  • 2 weeks later...

Im just curious how many of you assemble your own controllers? Realizing now that I really dont need more lights - but rather more controllers, im trying to figure out whats the best way to go about upping my channel count.

However, my only experience with soldering has been minor cable repairs - so when I look at the unassembled kit - its a bit... overwhelming.

Ive talked to other users who make it seem very easy and that I really should just goto radioshack and get a few kits to test and learn my solder skills on...

Should I try to go about learning how to build my own kit so that I can order more controllers, or just save up until the LOR sale in summer? Because at $250 per controller - it will be many years until I will acheive the number of channels I desire...

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I have not soldered any of my controllers. I have mostly ordered the "Card Assymbled Complete Package" This would save you some money over the $250 price you are talking about.

If you think you may want to try a kit. I would suggest buying one and trying it out. They "getting a kit from radio shack to practice on" is also a good idea.

I have not seen or heard if there is going to be a gen 3 solder kit or not. The solder kits may not be an option

Also, if you decide you are not into soldering there are ways of 'doing it cheaper'. For example, buy "card assymbled" controllers for $151.95 ($141.95 introductory price). You can put the controllers in some kind of cheap box, and add your own wires to it. I have seen people using spt1 wire and zip plugs for the 16 channel outputs.

There are many options to do it cheaper than the $250 price you mentioned. Hope this helps give you some other ideas.

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I am the same as Paul.All of my controllers are the card assembled complete package.I buy them during the spring sale.

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Paul Roberson wrote:

I have not soldered any of my controllers. I have mostly ordered the "Card Assymbled Complete Package" This would save you some money over the $250 price you are talking about.

My 3 are the same as above. 2 purchased during the 1st sale in 2010, then the 3rd purchased during the 2nd sale.
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