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Dealing with upset neighbors - any advice?


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I have one upset neighbor who lives across the street one house down. He stands in his window and watches for people who get out of their car to smoke and then pitch their butts in the street or his yard. He was very upset because people would block his driveway, and he would just lay on the horn for minutes sometimes until people would move. I tried to explain that if he just got out and asked, the people would happily move.

Another neighbor commented about litter in their yard. I then immediately put a 10 second audio reminder before EVERY song in the show asking people to not litter, block drives, crank up their radio with windows down, or honk their horns to say thanks. I have also been checking every other night for garbage and picking it up.

I don't know exactly what else I can do to make him happy, and understand that he is upset. I'm not going to stop doing a Christmas light show, but was wondering if anyone had some more advice? I don't want enemy neighbors, and have a son that plays with their kids. He commented that it was my duty to the neighbors to "Police" things or people would still litter and do whatever. I responded that we pay taxes for the police to do those things.

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jaimwolfe wrote:

He commented that it was my duty to the neighbors to "Police" things or people would still litter and do whatever. I responded that we pay taxes for the police to do those things.

I think the LAST thing you want is for the police to be called for something that petty, so I think you might re-consider giving a disgruntled neighbor that kind of idea.

If you're running announcements and picking up litter, it sounds like you're sincerely trying to keep things under control. That's good for the neighbors to see and to know. But in the end it only goes so far and there's only so much you can do. The laws of averages don't take the Holiday season off. Yes, the percentage of jerks and idiots is arguably lower in our Christmas light audience than it is in the general population. But even if it's only 1 percent (which I think might be miraculously low) that means there are still plenty of idiots to find their way down your street.

Perhaps making sure your neighbors realize this, and then soliciting ideas from them on how they'd handle that one percent will help put it in perspective for them.
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Guest Don Gillespie

jaimwolfe wrote:

He was very upset because people would block his driveway, and he would just lay on the horn for minutes sometimes until people would moveI tried to explain that if he just got out and asked, the people would happily move.

I can see that this upsets people, I talked to my nieghbors before I started the show and asked them if I could post a sign by thier driveways telling people no parking here or do not block the drive way, my nieghbors were impressed, it got the the point where I actually put out two orange cones to prevent people from parking in front of my nieghbors driveway, I don't think it is wise to have my nieghbor honk his horn or patroll his own driveway its my display so I take full responsibilty in controlling traffic issues for my nieghbors. and they all seem to appeciate that.
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Put a For Sale Sign in his yard during the season, perhaps it will bring more money becuase of neighbors like you that arent cranky scrooges. Win Win he moves, you get a new neighbor that likes the show.

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