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I would like to know what people use to create their website. I have no experience with this but would love to make one of my own.

Any direction you can give would be great.

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I started out years ago using a program called HotDog and then moved up to DreamWeaver.
There are quite a few free programs out there as well like CoffeeCup and others that will let you do a site pretty easy.

There are also web hosting outfits that will rent you the web space for your site and soemof them have software right on the site to buld web pages.

You can even build web pages in Microsoft Word nowdays!

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MikeA wrote:

I would like to know what people use to create their website. I have no experience with this but would love to make one of my own.

Any direction you can give would be great.

I have be extremely pleased with excellent inexpensive webhosting through StableHost. They include a free easy-to-use website building software. I had a simple site up and running within a few minutes. They are very reliable. Customer support is very good. It appears that they support all the higher end website design stuff too, but that is beyond my needs. They appear to be having a sale going on now that ends in 35hrs.

I researched them quite a bit beforehand since I don't like having to change hosts after getting it all set up.
151 reviews here, 146 of which gave it 5 stars (the other 5 gave them 4 stars).
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Even though I have not released my website to the general public to view (still under construction, have not had time to work on it), I built it using a Content Management System called Drupal to run my website. There are other free CMS systems out there, like Joomla and WordPress, but I develop websites for a living and use Drupal on a daily basis, so I'm experienced with it.

As for hosting, I've used GoDaddy, HostForWeb.net, and a few other providers; and they are all ready good hosts. It all depends really on what you need and what you want to do.

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Ok, if you want something simple and requires no learning use wix.com (FREE) Its flash based so it might not work on some phones and older computers but its worth it for the cool effects and ease of use. Then buy the domain for a buck during one of the domain sales at Godaddy and for 1 dollar you can have a really nice and easy website for a year. If you have any questions you can ask.
Check mine out below:

Edit: I'm actually pretty good with HTML, Blogs, and other things but because it is just so simple and FREE, I can't help but to use it.

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I use dreamweaver. But definitely you need to now how to use it.

Also to have a web site, you must need a domain name and a hosting.

Visit my web hosting plans: www.masterwebsolutions.net

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MikeA wrote:

I would like to know what people use to create their website. I have no experience with this but would love to make one of my own. Any direction you can give would be great.
Well, when I did my first website, I really wanted to learn how to code html (that was the only way to do it), so I learned it and to this day, I hand code every website I do. These days unless you really want to learn it, there are many programs out there that will do the hard part for you. I see several people have suggested their favorites. Try a couple and see what you like.
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