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BETA Testing Cancelled


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Years ago a call went out to many of the old timers to be BETA Testers. The deal was in exchange for crashing your sequences, freezing your screen etc. that you would receive lifetime upgrades at no charge.

So last year I had a problem with my knee and could not do a display. This year I started a new job and did not think I would ever do a display again. I literally sold everything I owned. Now I realize that I am going to have more time than what I thought. Nothing big like before but maybe 80 to 100 channels. So I will buy knew this summer.

However, imagine my surprise when after I downloaded 3.14 I find that a week later my BETA Tester status has been removed. No PM to explain the reason. No email to let me know. Nope, it is just gone.

So two PMs later asking for a reason and I have not had a reply. Thus I am asking here. Why was my status removed. Did not the purchase of 49 controllers count for something? Did not testing a prototype of the RJ485 mean anything? I am just very disappointed and thought an explanation would have been proper.

Thank you all and Merry Christmas.

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Hey Robin, welcome back too.

I am glad I got to meet somebody like you a few yrs ago when your display was in full swing. I would think there is just a little glitch in the system with your statues, and that everybody is offline now for the Holiday weekend. I am sure you will get an answer soon from the higher ups.

Again, glad to see some old faces back here.

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Cenote, nice seeing your smiling face again. :D

I sent the first one to an administrator and he said he was just an an administrator and told me to fill out a "ticket". I have no idea what a ticket is.

So two days ago sent Dan a PM. I am sure he will get back at some point.

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Welcome back from retirement Robin !

Things should be colorful around here again as more oldtimers are coming back:)

Merry Christmas!!

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Robin wrote:

I sent the first one to an administrator and he said he was just an an administrator and told me to fill out a "ticket". I have no idea what a ticket is.

So two days ago sent Dan a PM. I am sure he will get back at some point.

Haven't you been reading all the reviews?!? LOR no longer answers PM's or "tickets". :D
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Hey Robin,

I wondered what happened to you. I, for one, have missed all of your wonderful responses to various posters.

Oh yea, your display was pretty cool also but I thought it was a pain somewhere other than your knee

Charles Belcher;)

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Yeah last year tore the MCI and they fixed me up enough to work during summer. Was going to operate last Nov. Well when I went to Dr. it did not hurt so they did not cut. Now it pops like popcorn at the movies but does not hurt. Then I did not know what to expect with the new job.

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