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Urgent Help Needed


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Everyone on LOR commmunity please help. I have been doing synchronized displays since 2003. A couple of years ago an idiot neigbor moved in and started harassing and threatening me. The day after Thanksgiving he said he was "going to box me and kill me" even though he wouldn't get out of his car and come into my yard (full of hot air and a bunch of something else).

He has tried overriding my frequency and broadcast obseneities and a bunch of other stuff while the show was going on and cars and kids were out there. So, I simply upped the power output of my transmitter and raised my antenna to the peak of my roof and got a special matched coax cable to match the transmitter and antennas impedance. Now he probably couldnt even here his stuff on a radio right next to his transmitter and cant figure out why... :D

So last night he called and complained to the worthless police department and said that people were blocking his drive and the intersection and he couldnt get home into his driveway even though my security camera footage showed that no body was blocking the intersection nor his driveway and that he had been sitting there at his house for over an hour. Anyway the police ran everyone off from the display. Then they left and people started coming right back and they tried running them off again about 10 minutes later. I have paid for off duty police officers to sit outside in marked cars and assist with traffic as needed or the past couple of weekends on Friday and Saturday nights. I cant afford to do that every night so I didnt have one out there last night and there was a lot less traffic out there last night compared to Friday and Saturday anyway when I had around 400 cars come through and watch the display each night.

So I did the next best thing until I could talk to the town manager and police department this morning. I went out there and was directing traffic myself and having people pull face into my yard from the street. I live on a corner lot so I am able to get quite a few cars into my yard like a drive in theater :P I even made a deal with my neighbor across the street who likes the display and allowed me to park cars in his yard as well as I offered to fix any ruts and reseed in the spring.

The town manager has no problems with the display and has come out and sit and watched the display in front of my house each year and even sent my family Christmas card. The town manager said to contact the town marshall directly and also told me to have everyone else voice there support as well so as to not let my idiot neighbor win.

So here is where I need your help, the police department has a contact us form online. All it asks is a name and email and subject and a field to say what you want.


I have people that come see the display from all over and are going to post. Please take 30 seconds and post a opinion of support there. For the adventurous, you cancall the police department directly and leave a voice mail for Gary Neeman the town marshall (317) 535-8100, just ask to sepak to him directly and it will go to voice mail.

Thanks everyone for your support and I would do the same for anyone else here...

Steve Cisco

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I sent one..and referenced their own Mission Statement:

"our purpose is to encourage a spirit of cooperation, respect, fairness, and compassion within the community"

you certainly did not do this last night as you ran us off from watching a very nice Christmas Display!!!

PS: Any chance of getting your LMFAO sequence for your CCR tree???

I could use that!!! LOL

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jimswinder wrote:

I sent one..and referenced their own Mission Statement:

"our purpose is to encourage a spirit of cooperation, respect, fairness, and compassion within the community"

you certainly did not do this last night as you ran us off from watching a very nice Christmas Display!!!

PS:  Any chance of getting your LMFAO sequence for your CCR tree??? 

I could use that!!!  LOL

Here you go...

It includes a remix version that I created by moving things, cutting stuff, out, repeating some stuff, etc. I have included the superstar sequence file, the exported superstar sequence file and also the normal LOR sequence file which has the superstar sequence as a subsequence.

Note: I like to work with both superstar and LOR sequence editor open at the same time but they dont like to share the audio file so what I do is make a copy of the file and export it as wav format for use in superstar. That way they each have their own copies of the file even though its same file and everyone is happy :)

Thanks for your support.

Steve Cisco
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He has tried overriding my frequency and broadcast obseneities and a bunch of other stuff while the show was going on and cars and kids were out there. So, I simply upped the power output of my transmitter and raised my antenna to the peak of my roof and got a special matched coax cable to match the transmitter and antennas impedance. Now he probably couldnt even here his stuff on a radio right next to his transmitter and cant figure out why...

So if I read this correctly, he has a display also and is using a FM transmitter??
If he is broadcasting obscenities, a call to your nearest FCC regional office (number is in the phone book under federal agencies) will bring prompt action.
Busy as they are, this will get their attention!
I would suggest before doing that you be sure you are operating within legal range, to avoid having any issues yourself.

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i sent one as well i hope it helps copy followsdear sirs we were passing tru your town and stumbled across a Christmas display we wanted to see but were run away by your officers while i was just a tourist i feel it was no way to treat folks who ant to celebrate Christmas by watching a display MERRY CHRISTMAS anyway.

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He does not have a display or anything. He just bought a cheap transmitter and was turning it on and playing that stuff only when a car would pull up to watch the display.

We actually tried calling the police as well as the FCC. We explained what happened to both. FCC said they couldn't do anything something about if it was intermittent they and we couldn't prove it was him. As soon as car left it would shut off.

My transmitter was set proper to begin with but this was the only way I could keep him from doing it again. It will be shut off in a week but I have been broadcasting on this frequency since 2003. It is a deadspot for my area closest radio station on this frequency is over 95 miles away and I have tried to pick up with good antenna outside and even with booster and station won't come in only bits and broken pieces along with the static at that point.


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Done ...

Please don't let one person ruin Christmas for the kids of Whiteland. There is always one and I'm sick of the one or the few that feel like the world should become vanilla. This is the USA! The land of freedom to express one's feelings. Now the neighbor can and has expressed his, Done! Let the lights continue for the kids!

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Scott T wrote:

Done ...

Please don't let one person ruin Christmas for the kids of Whiteland. There is always one and I'm sick of the one or the few that feel like the world should become vanilla. This is the USA! The land of freedom to express one's feelings. Now the neighbor can and has expressed his, Done! Let the lights continue for the kids!

Thanks I agree 100% that's part of why I tried to go more over the top this year with the ccr tree. And doing as much as I can to get more people to see and support the display as possible. Thanks for everyones support here
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DearVBGuru wrote:

jimswinder wrote:
I sent one..and referenced their own Mission Statement:

"our purpose is to encourage a spirit of cooperation, respect, fairness, and compassion within the community"

you certainly did not do this last night as you ran us off from watching a very nice Christmas Display!!!

PS: Any chance of getting your LMFAO sequence for your CCR tree???

I could use that!!! LOL

Here you go...

It includes a remix version that I created by moving things, cutting stuff, out, repeating some stuff, etc. I have included the superstar sequence file, the exported superstar sequence file and also the normal LOR sequence file which has the superstar sequence as a subsequence.

Note: I like to work with both superstar and LOR sequence editor open at the same time but they dont like to share the audio file so what I do is make a copy of the file and export it as wav format for use in superstar. That way they each have their own copies of the file even though its same file and everyone is happy :)

Thanks for your support.

Steve Cisco

I also sent an email

My virus checker has detected a virus in your file!!!!a trojan horse
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Denis Chaput wrote:

DearVBGuru wrote:
jimswinder wrote:
I sent one..and referenced their own Mission Statement:

"our purpose is to encourage a spirit of cooperation, respect, fairness, and compassion within the community"

you certainly did not do this last night as you ran us off from watching a very nice Christmas Display!!!

PS:  Any chance of getting your LMFAO sequence for your CCR tree??? 

I could use that!!!  LOL

There shouldn't be anything I have two different anti malware on computer I will scan it and check again. And find another checker to make sure I can always put plain text files out there instead of zip. Hold on for a bit. Cam anyone else verifier as well

Here you go...

It includes a remix version that I created by moving things, cutting stuff, out, repeating some stuff, etc. I have included the superstar sequence file, the exported superstar sequence file and also the normal LOR sequence file which has the superstar sequence as a subsequence.

Note: I like to work with both superstar and LOR sequence editor open at the same time but they dont like to share the audio file so what I do is make a copy of the file and export it as wav format for use in superstar. That way they each have their own copies of the file even though its same file and everyone is happy :)

Thanks for your support.

Steve Cisco

My virus checker has detected a virus in your file!!!!a trojan horse
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We had two neighbors complaint to a Council member, which went to the Mayor, which went to the Chief of Police. Their complaints; blocked driveways and headlights.

So we responded . . .

Before they get to the display.
1) The direction page on our website receives the most views, so I have added a notation regarding "Respecting our Neighbors" [/](See link below.)


As they turn on Silverdale Circle.
2) I have a back-lite sign that ask our guess to "Respect our Neighbors" (See attached photo)
special note: I have asked them not to stop on the south side of the street. This address the concern about emergency vehicle access. In the case of an emergency, cars will only need to drive out while not inhibiting emergency vehicles from getting in.

During the Show.
3) We have the announcements asking our guest to "Turn down the headlights, keeping the parking lights on, no littering and keep radios at a level that is comfortable in the car."

This past weekend we significantly reduced the causes of the concerns; headlights and blocked driveways. I personally watched most cars throughout the weekend because the kids and friends were Elfing (handing our candy canes and blue lights). I observed cars slowing as they turned on to Silverdale and then turn off there headlights. Driveways were all kept clear and I was witness to the neighbors pulling in and out of their driveways with no trouble.

After doing this, I received a thank you from both the Chief of Police and the Console member. The show continues as scheduled !!

Don't ever give up on a good cause. It's all about the Children!

Merry Christmas to ALL! (Even those who oppose us)

Attached files 294885=16293-IMAG1800 (1).jpg

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Denis Chaput wrote:

DearVBGuru wrote:
jimswinder wrote:
I sent one..and referenced their own Mission Statement:

"our purpose is to encourage a spirit of cooperation, respect, fairness, and compassion within the community"

you certainly did not do this last night as you ran us off from watching a very nice Christmas Display!!!

PS:  Any chance of getting your LMFAO sequence for your CCR tree??? 

I could use that!!!  LOL

Here you go...

It includes a remix version that I created by moving things, cutting stuff, out, repeating some stuff, etc. I have included the superstar sequence file, the exported superstar sequence file and also the normal LOR sequence file which has the superstar sequence as a subsequence.

Note: I like to work with both superstar and LOR sequence editor open at the same time but they dont like to share the audio file so what I do is make a copy of the file and export it as wav format for use in superstar. That way they each have their own copies of the file even though its same file and everyone is happy :)

Thanks for your support.

Steve Cisco

I also sent an email

My virus checker has detected a virus in your file!!!!a trojan horse

I just scanned the file locally with anti malware and here is the results.

Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware

Database version: 8402

Windows 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
Internet Explorer 9.0.8112.16421

12/20/2011 8:56:02 AM
mbam-log-2011-12-20 (08-56-02).txt

Scan type: Quick scan
Objects scanned: 1
Time elapsed: 4 second(s)

Memory Processes Infected: 0
Memory Modules Infected: 0
Registry Keys Infected: 0
Registry Values Infected: 0
Registry Data Items Infected: 0
Folders Infected: 0
Files Infected: 0

Memory Processes Infected:
(No malicious items detected)

Memory Modules Infected:
(No malicious items detected)

Registry Keys Infected:
(No malicious items detected)

Registry Values Infected:
(No malicious items detected)

Registry Data Items Infected:
(No malicious items detected)

Folders Infected:
(No malicious items detected)

Files Infected:
(No malicious items detected)

When I scanned it with Security Essentials it came up clean. See attached.

When I saved the file I uploaded to computer it scanned it automatically and nothing was found. Then I scanned it again with anti-malware and it came clean again.

Can anyone else verify that they are getting a clean file? I certaintly dont want anything on my computer nor give it to anyone else.


Attached files 294886=16294-securityessentials results.
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