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S3 Bugs


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I'm having numerous issues with S3. It crashes regularly after editing a sequence and closing it. But I can put up with that for now. What I can't put up with is all sorts of problems running a show. I'm using DMX and so have to use S3, but S2 worked flawlessly last year. The issue I'm having is the scheduler not playing any sequences with videos in them. I tried upgrading to WMP 11 as recommended, which has made no difference. The log screen just says, "error opening media file." The sequences and videos play perfectly when I play them individually in the sequence editor, but for some reason they will not play in the show. I have tried disabling the compressed sequences option and it makes no difference. The strange thing is it almost seems to have a mind of its own as after the show had finished tonight I tried running the show again and it worked flawlessly. I changed nothing, heck I didn't even do a PC reboot. The same thing happened the other night - it worked flawlessly in a scheduler show test after the show but then wouldn't play any sequences containing videos again during tonight's show. It's driving me nuts...has anyone else had this problem and if so, any ideas on what may be causing it??

Thanks in advance.

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What version of S3 are you running. I believe 3.1.4 is the most current but check the download page to make sure. These updates to S3 fixed a lot of bugs. What OS are you running?

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Are you using compresses sequences?

Try this.

1) Disable shows
2) Delete the COMPRESSED sequences. (Please don't delete your actual sequences)
3) Open each sequence. Make a change and re-save it. (You can just turn a cell on/off and re-save.)

That will force the system to re-create the compressed sequence, and may resolve the "error opening media file" issue.

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Don is right on the money.

If deleting and re-creating the compressed sequences doesn't help, double check that you turned them off completely and try again.

This can be controlled through the LOR Control Panel's "Use Compressed Sequences" option.

You should then reboot and restart S3.

Absolutely positively be sure you are on 3.1.4. There was a memory leak issue in all previous S3.x.x versions that can lead to wonky behavior.

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zudabeck wrote:

I am running 3.1.4 on XP with SP2. Yes I have tried disabling compressed sequences altogether, it seems to make no difference. Any other suggestions?

Are you sure about XP SP2? should be at SP3 the latest.
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I just want to be certain: When you say that it works in the Sequence Editor but not during a show, are you talking about these two things on the same machine, or on different machines?

Does the Verifier show anything?

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No it's only SP2...I should add SP3 but this is a specific machine I only use for the light display. Bob this is on one machine only and no the verifier doesn't flag anything obvious that would be related to the issue.
Last night it started off skipping all the video sequences again but unloading LOR control panel and reloading it mid show (not ideal!) seemed to fix it. I tried a similar thing last night during the show numerous times but it didn't fix it. It's totally random as to when it works and when it doesn't.

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Hmmm. Does S3 use something underlying in Windows that S2 didn't? That wouldn't really explain why sometimes it seems to work and at others it doesn't. I am loathe to invoke windows updates...last resort as I don't have access to the web where the display machine is located. I will have to though if there is nothing else that could be causing the problem. I just don't quite understand why S2 worked flawlessly playing video sequences last year, and as soon as I upgrade to 3.1.4 it starts screwing up.

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The issue only occurs with videos, is that correct?

When did you update Windows Media Player? You may want to try that again - sometimes reinstalling the latest clears up strange errors with it.

You may also want to try changing the video files to another format (such as WMP if you're using AVI, or vice-versa) and seeing if that helps.

Perhaps also get rid of any unnecessary codecs on your computer.

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Yes sequences with videos in them are the issue. Only updated WMP the other day so it can't be that. Most of the videos are in WMV format but a few are in AVI. But again, they all run fine when playing in the sequence editor so if it was a codec issue it would likely not play there either. It is only when I run a show via the LOR control panel that the problems start.
Also, machine I'm running is a 2.3Ghz Intel dual core with 2Gb RAM and 512Mb graphics card.

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Fix for Skipping, hangups. Are you running Windows 7 or Vista? I found out the hard way that there are issues with Windows 7 and Vista, and Audio files which were created with Audacity 1.26. or earlier. Especially if you have a 64 bit OS. If you created your MP3 files, and or WAV files with earlier versions of such as 1.26 or older you may want to go to Audacity website and read thru their updates. They have a Beta Version which they recommend loading for Windows 7 and Vista systems. They also advise that you need to get the newer LAME files to go with these. I went back to my old CD's and then using the newer Audacity Beta 1.3 and the new LAME files remade my Audio WAV file. When I replace the current MP3 file that was skipping with the new WAV file things cleared up. You might want to give this a try.

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I'm running XP....never had any issues playing the video files previously, it's only started happening after the S3 upgrade.
Update: it's been working the last couple of nights, but no idea why. I have changed nothing and it seems to be running ok now. Very odd. I'm hoping it stays that way...

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