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Lights just stayed on.

Dan C

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I ran into a problem last night. I walked by my front door and noticed that my strobes were on. Then I noticed they didn't go off. In fact, all of my lights were on constantly.

I ran upstairs to check the computer and everything was still running like it was supposed to. Status was normal and the sound was working.

I quickly disabled the show, then restarted the show and it started working again.

Has anyone run into this problem before? It makes me wonder how often this is happening.

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It could be a lot of things..... I had a triac go out the other night and one channel out of that controller stays on 50% 24/7 now, and just a few minutes ago I looked out the window and saw another controller with all 16 channels on very dim, so I reset the controller and voila back to normal. So I would suggest a reset on the controller before you do anything else.

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It happened again tonight.

This is not just one channel. Its everything! All channels, strobes, lights etc. And at full 100% brightness and it seems to reset if I stop the show and then start it again.

Just curious, how do you reset the controllers?

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Dan, depends on which board you have. I'm not being a smart-ass, but go to the LOR website, Support, User Manuals and download the proper Troubleshooting .pdf for your board. We could tell you how to do it (if we knew your board-type), but you learn more finding it yourself.

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I've had something similar happen the last 3 mornings in a row... I get up, go down stairs, and notice that all the lights are on out front. Here are the details...

This year I'm only running 3 controllers - 2 of the 16 channel PC controllers, and 1 iDMX1000. My show is simple this year for health reasons, a few thousand mini lights and a few DMX lights, with 4 color changing wreaths and a 16' inflatable Santa. Nothing fancy. I have lights on scheduled from 4:45 PM until midnight each day, and then a second "show" that keeps Santa inflated from midnight to the next "show" startup at 4:45.

For the last 3 days, when I go downstairs in the morning, I see the DMX lights shining on the front door and porch, and notice that the rest of the lights are on. These are spread across all three controllers. When I go up and look at the status monitor, I see the correct show running (just santa should be on). I unload LOR, and then restart and re-enable shows, and then it's fine... This is using ver 2.9.4 on Win XP SP3, all patched and up to date.

Any thoughts?


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Here's a couple ideas that might relate:

In the Show Editor, make sure "Turn used lights off" is checked (on every tab).

I've never been comfortable crossing midnight with my shows. I always end the last show for the day at 11:59 PM and then start the next show at 12:00 AM.

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rwertz -

GREAT point! I DID look at those check boxes for turning the lights off the other day (about the time the problem started).... Maybe I clicked something I shouldn't have.

Thanks for the idea!


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That is a good point about checking the Turn lights off at end of show. However. I'm having this problem during the middle of a show. When I notice they are frozen on, the show goes to the next seqence and they still stay on.

Also, I cannot check the lights off box because I am running a servodog in my display. Checking that causes all sorts of headaches with a servo dog.

What do you think, If I create a very short 1 second animation where it turns all lights off except the servodog and have that run as a cleanup sequence that might help?

Its worth a shot. I'll try that tonight.

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