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Thought about taking next year off...


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...then last night I received:

Thank you for giving me an opportunity to see the joy on my 4 year old's face when Santa waved to him last night!! His face lit up and he immediately started waving back...it was absolutely priceless!

How many hours of work and how much money do I put into this? It doesn't matter - that made it worth it.
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I get about 1 card a year.

My favorite was one Christmas Eve I was standing across the street watching the show. Traffic had taken a break when an SUV pulled up to watch the show. Either they didn't see me, or just thought I was out watching someone elses house because they didn't speak to me.

Then a little girl jumps out of the car (looks both ways, thank you) runs across the street and puts something in my mailbox.

Of course it was a hand written card, by her, thanking me for the lights. Still one of my favorite cards.

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ericnagel wrote:

haha... my UPS driver brought his kids to see the display and proclaimed, "See this kids??? I delivered all of these lights"

He was very proud :P

I Love that story!
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ericnagel wrote:

haha... my UPS driver brought his kids to see the display and proclaimed, "See this kids??? I delivered all of these lights"

He was very proud :)

That was funny! :D:D:D

I had several of my customers from work stop by to see the lights tonight, they loved it and plan to come back with more relatives.

Last early March, someone left a note in our front door saying how much they enjoyed the lights last Christmas eve. That made my week!
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ericnagel wrote:

haha... my UPS driver brought his kids to see the display and proclaimed, "See this kids??? I delivered all of these lights"

He was very proud :)

A couple houses up, there is a family with a couple pretty severly handicapped kids, going to different schools (so two different buses in the afternoon).. when the bus drops the kids off at their house, the driver stops in front of our house so the other kids still on the bus can look at our display, both the 29' Black Pearl for Halloween and the yard done up now for Christmas. I noted what time the bus comes and started my Show just before it pulls up to play the music and maybe the kids can see some of the lights blinking, well, maybe the arches anyway as it's still daytime. And every couple nights, the parents roll the kids down to see the show. Their eyes lighting up is the best thing I've seen in a long while.
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This morning when we opened the front door to walk across the street to church, there was a package of cookies on the porch with a note on it. It read: Merry Christmas. Our family has voted your lights the 'best in the town'. Thanks for sharing." Then they signed their names. I don't know them at all, but I really appreciate their generosity and kind wishes. It makes it all worth while.

Tonight there has been a steady stream of cars outside. One time I counted 11 cars watching at one time. Most of the time it was about 5 - 6 at any given time.

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