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How Many Incadecents Can I Put On One Controller?

Champion Sound Entertainment

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My incadecents say you can connect up to 8 strands without overloading (210 watts) which comes to about 27 watts per strand. If i remember correctly watts = volts multipied by amps. So 30 amps x 110 volts = 3300 watts I am able to use through my LOR controller?

If my math is right I should be able to plug about 120 strands correct?

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You're confusing things a bit.

quick rule of thumb is one 100 bulb string of incans is about .3A.

This calculator will help you plan.


Also suggest reading the manual to understand your current loading limitations by channel and by channel bank.

You may also want to refresh yourself on basic ohms law and power calcs.

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I used to use a spreadsheet and keep very close tack of the number of amps on each channel. That all changed when I decided to go all LED. I don't worry about it at all any more. It has taken me about four years to completely change over---starting with the controller that had the most on it. Now, my entire display of 30,000 lights pulls only 16 amps when all the lights are on at once (which doesn't happen very often). Change them out a few at a time, but for me LEDs are the way to go.

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Don's calculator (link in his post) is very well done and I would recommend that anyone designing LOR setups take advantage of the tool he has generously shared.

Here are some rough calculations to get you started.

100 lamp incans @ 40.8 Watts = .34 Amps
100 lamp LED @ 9.6 Watts = .08 Amps

For the LOR controller loads per channel:

8 Amp channels (100% load)
Incans 23.5 x 100 lamp strings or 2,350 lamps total
LED 100 x 100 lamp strings or 10,000 lamps total

2 Amp channels (100% load)
Incans 5.8 x 100 lamp strings or 580 lamps total
LED 25 x 100 lamp strings or 2,580 lamps total

I wouldn't suggest loading any channel to 100% on the LOR controllers. They will be happier and will treat you better over the long run! And don't forget that each side of the controller (1-8, 9-16) is only rated for 15 Amps if each side is powered from a dedicated circuit.

For power circuits feeding controllers and/or lights:

Full load (80% of rating) for a 15 Amp circuit is 12 Amps.

Incans 35.2 x 100 lamp strings or 3,529 lamps total
LED 150 x 100 lamp strings or 15,000 lamps total

Use at your own risk! These figures are for a rough estimate only. Verify your equipment's ratings and loads before installation.

NOTE: This does not take into account mixed lighting, or other types of lamps or loads placed onto the circuit. The above figures are for mini lights (40.8 watts per 100) and M5 LEDs (9.6 Watts per 100). This also assumes that the circuit voltage is 120V. Your mileage may vary, so perform a load calculation based upon your lights or measure the actual current of the circuit before connecting into the LOR equipment.

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+1 ^^^ Nicely done De! Even tho these are planning numbers, it can help a LOT of Newbes get a feel for what they can load up channel/banks with... I think this post deserves a Sticky.

One additional thought.. NO ONE should be without a (average) $20 Kill-O-Watt meter from HD, Lowes, Target, Amazon.. the benefits to seeing exactly what the load is per string/extension is priceless. Put it on every string, and plot out your loads.

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Example using one controller:

I run 12 channels on my mega. I stack 5 strands of 100 ct. mini incandescents per channel - total 60 strands/6000 lights - 1.7 amps per channel. That's about as far as you should go on a channel with incandescents. The remaining 4 channels run 8 mini trees, 2 incan. strands per channel - 16 strands/1600 lights. Each bank carries the same load.

When I go LED I won't worry about amps either! My roofline went (static) LED this year. Just need a couple more controllers!

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