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Sequence Start Hiccup


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Ok, I have 3 sequences that start prematurely. The lights start before the music for about 3 seconds, it takes a short break then continues in time for the rest of the song. This only happens in the beginning.

Like I said, its specific to 3 songs. When I run the sequence editor its fine. The rest of the show is perfect and in tune with the beat. Anyone have a clue?

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That sounds to me like it's probably an issue with Windows Media Player, or something that Windows Media Player uses.

The reason that I say this is that (for musical sequences) LOR relies upon WMP to tell it what the current time in the song is. If the lights start, and play for about three seconds, that means that for three seconds, WMP is telling LOR "The current time is 0.01 seconds, the current time is 0.02 seconds, the current time is 0.03 seconds... the current time is 2.99 seconds, the current time is 3.00 seconds." LOR wouldn't be playing the lights otherwise.

But WMP shouldn't be telling LOR that sort of thing unless it's actually playing the song.

So, the first thing I would try would be to install the latest version of Windows Media Player that is applicable for your operating system (which is what, by the way?). I would do this even if you have the latest version installed; sometimes reinstalling the latest WMP cleans up strange issues with it.

Another thing I would try would be to change the format of the songs in question. For example, if you're using MP3 files, try converting them to WAV files, or vice versa. Perhaps WMP would behave better on one format than another.

You can convert the songs' formats using an audio editor, such as Audacity. After converting them, use the Sequence Editor's "Edit / Media File" to point the sequences at the new song files.

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