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Visualized background intensity not working


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When I use the background intensity slider in the Visualizer it ever once in the while works but the vast majority of the time it doesn't. I'm always using the same background picture so that isn't likely the cause. If I go into the properties via the Edit menu, the Visualizer's mouse icon also changes to the continuously rotating circle and doesn't stop.

I have 15 fixtures including 2 CCRs so I don't think I'm overwhelming it.

Anything help would be much appreciated as I find it a big help to see it in a more darkened setting when sequencing.

Mike A.

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is this the S3 or S2 vis, when you hit play the S3 auto changes to dark, S2 theres a button when you have the menu open to simulate dark.

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I'm using S3 as S2 didn't have the visualizer so far as I know. When it works, it'll change the background intensity before I ever go into Simulation mode. Changing the intensity and then going into Simulate doesn't make the background intensity different than what is showing prior to starting Sim mode up.

Mike A.

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Which slider are you using, the one on the main window toolbar, or the one on the background (simulation) properties?

Ensure you have all the latest updates and service packs for your version of Windows.

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Everything is updated on my machine. I'm running Windows 7 SP1. I have tried both the one on the main window toolbar and the one under Edit>>Background Properties.

Mike A.

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Also ensure you have installed the most recent drivers for your video card.

Have you tried creating a new simulation with a different picture?

What is the size of the picture (in MB)?

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It does indeed seem to be the picture. I've switched to no background and can now change the intensity. The original picture was a panorama picture weighing in at 2.88Mb. issue.

I think it is related to the fact the original image was 3367x1806 but I resized it in the Simulation properties to 1280x687. I am guessing that is running afoul of the max 2500x2500 size issue I just learned about even though I resized it to be below 2500x2500.

Mike A.

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