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Color wash ideas


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I know you are all busy enjoying the fruits of your labor right now, but I am busy planning for my first show next Halloween.

I am looking for the best way to do a green color wash over the width of my entire house (upper floor). It can be just one channel.I would like to find what is the brightest type of rope light, that perhaps I can hide along the bottom floor gutter, which could light up the top floor? Would I looks for LED, Incand, or neon rope lights?

Regular floods don't seem to have the deep color I'm going for, and stick out too much.

On ebay I see tons of affordable rope lights, but again, which are brightest (or bright enough)? I will also be competing with a streetlight (if my attempts and turning it off fail)...

Thanks for any advice

Attached files 291539=16125-green.jpg

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Rope lights will never be able to create the effect you're looking for IMO. At least for incandescent, green is the second hardest color, next to blue. You'll need a lot of light to create a "green color wash"

Try looking at the RGB floods. Search the forum here. A lot of talk about this type of lights.

Good luck!

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I would suggest using RGB strip facing back towards the walls from under the eaves. I used this approach this year and am very happy with the effects. see my videos in http://forums.lightorama.com/forum82/30675.html

I used the 60 LED/m strip from Ray Wu - AliExpress China.

Note, the wall wash will only work well with light coloured walls and will not show up on windows etc

Regards Geoff

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That sounds like a good idea. My issue is only this. Although I like the RGB products for the ability to change colours, I cannot easily control them..I want to be able to dim them using LOR, but when they power on,I have no control over what effect/colour they default too. And I cannot see how I could use the little IR remote to easily change them on the fly..I guess I just want a single colour for ease of controlling. Or am I completely dazed and confused here?javascript:%20document.editor_form.post_reply.value=1;%20document.editor_form.submit();

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OOh, I see you can get it in one colour or another,very nice..that might work.
My exterior walls are cream coloured vinyl...

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Most of my display is low voltage run from LOR DC boards. Wlile there is somewhat of a learning curve to using DC, it is really quite simple and opens up a wide range of possibilities not available with AC control, RGB dumb strip and modules being one area not available in AC.

I have bought both 60 and 30 led/m strip such as http://www.aliexpress.com/fm-store/701799/209843764-308763511/5m-one-roll-5050-SMD-60LEDs-m-led-strip-waterproof-by-silicon-tubing-RGB-color-.html Double check the waterproofing you require - I find the üse under water" best - silicone tubing + silicone injection gives a more robust strip than just the silicone tube.

With DC boards you also need a DC powre supply. I have used this type which are available from a number of suppliers including AliExpress. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/27V-DC-13A-350W-Regulated-Switching-Power-Supply-/250672020078?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3a5d377a6e

Hope this helps Geoff

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Great info. I presume that if I get the green strip and the 12v transformer that the LOR AC controller can still turn on/off, dim them, etc etc?

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stevedave1138 wrote:

Great info. I presume that if I get the green strip and the 12v transformer that the LOR AC controller can still turn on/off, dim them, etc etc?

No, The LOR AC controllers will NOT work with the strips.

You will use the LOR DC controller, CMB-16D, plus a DC power supply that matches the voltage of the strip you purchased.

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Look into http://www.seasonalentertainmentllc.com/productcatalog.htm Greg Renna, one of the users here on the Forum, has Rainbow Floods, 54 (I think) red geen blue superbright leds. They should work well for you, his WallRunners too. I have four Rainbow Floods and six RainbowSpots (for smaller areas)..

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Nice lights there, but I will be using the LOR 16 PC...as I have mostly incandescent lights to work with. I was just hoping to be able to turn the led rope lights on/off and maybe dim them with this controller. Would it burn out the 12vdc transformer?

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I've used small 150 watt flood lights with a theatrical gel (colored plastic) and mounted them 3-8 feet from the wall. Draws about 1.5 amps each, so you don't want too many on a single controller; spread them around.

Flood light: http://www.homedepot.com/h_d1/N-5yc1v/R-100652891/h_d2/ProductDisplay?langId=-1&storeId=10051&catalogId=10053&superSkuId=202573674

Colored gel: http://www.rosco.com/us/filters/roscolux.cfm#colors

Some of the gels are available on Ebay for about $8 for a sheet of 24x36 size.

Rope lights will not provide the color blast you need.
I've used a LOR DC controller to drive several LED strips of a single color. They don't have to be the RGB type, but you can get the 16 foot waterproof green strips for about $42 each on Ebay. Just make sure there are 60 LEDs per meter and of the type "5050". They're very bright.

PS: You shouldn't do it often, but street lights can be sometimes turned off with a laser pointer.

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I agree to go the Rainbow light route. Adding a DC controller was one of the easiest "most bang for the buck" things I have added to my display. http://store.lightorama.com/cmdedcca2.html
They connect to a "regular" PC controller just with CAT5 (just like all LOR controllers). I doubt you will find a rope light that will be bright enough and "directional" enough to wash that wall anywhere near the way you demonstrate in your photo. For the minimal price difference, why not have the ability to make it any color you want by going the RGB route. Though you might not think you will need that ability now, you will want it someday. I think such lights would mount easily in the overhang above that wall. What is great about Rainbow lights is the depth of color and no washout like you see with incandescents.

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stevedave1138 wrote:

Nice lights there, but I will be using the LOR 16 PC...as I have mostly incandescent lights to work with. I was just hoping to be able to turn the led rope lights on/off and maybe dim them with this controller. Would it burn out the 12vdc transformer?

The transformer and possibly your controller also
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