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Hardware utility finding second but not first controller

Ron M

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Help, tried resent and every other troubleshooting I could find. Using standalone 1602mp3 controller and a second 1602 connected by ELL. Cable is plugged into second RJ45 jack and it finds only 1 unit, the second one.
the big red led is steady, and on the mp3 part, the little lights chase a few times, the right most green on says steady then a second or two later the second from left light above the 'R' comes on doing a 'double blink'.
I am unable to find the mp3 so can't set time in it !!
help ! All worked fine last year, just not so far this year.

Attached files 291236=16109-LORscreencap07.jpg

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Connect one controller at a time and check that the ID number for that controller is correct.

You might have both on the same ID # and will only show you one.

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Not that. Unit two shows up fine on its own or connected to one. its one that doesn't show up on its own or not.
Done all the reset to 00, then restart at 01. still nada.
My only question is when I reinstalled my show on the SD card it played on unit one while stand alone, but still wouldn't show up in hardware. then after a power off won't play again. I got no units found when connected by RS485 cables. Really suspecting hardware has failed...

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