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software wishes


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  • It would be great to have at least 2 presetable zoom buttons.
I find I have to stretch out then collapse and back and forth many times. It wouldn't be so bad except that I have to click so many times to get back to where I want to be when I need to see a rather large chunk of the sequence to see how they play together.If there were ZOOM PRESETS that I can program and then I could toggle between, that would be great. It would be most helpful if they were keyboard assignable as well as a toolbar button.

  • A pause button would be VERY helpful
  • A way to copy multiple grid squares and re-paste them in the same order and time without copying everything else in a rectangle.

As with AutoCAD you can click on several things and then copy and paste them all at once. For example: if I have a chase say for two arches and the first starts when the second is half way thru, they overlap in time. If I want to copy the first chase only, it can't be done. You can only copy in a rectangular section on the screen and that means everything in it. If I had the ability to copy just the chase part I want and re-paste it with the same layout and timing, that would save a lot of time.

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