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Cut off the end of the track??


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Is it possible to fade out and cut off the end of a track. The song some how has a very long silence at the end that I want to get rid of. But I have sequenced up to it already. I have tried editing the song and then putting the edited version into the sequence but the timing of the events are then off.

Any help would be appreciated.


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you could also use Audacity to cut the silence off the end of the audio track and then re-insert it into the sequence...

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Not being picky Jim but, Why go to two programs and reload the media when changing the total time in the sequence editor would do the same thing?? Maybe I'm missing something here. :?

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shfr26 wrote:

Not being picky Jim but, Why go to two programs and reload the media when changing the total time in the sequence editor would do the same thing?? Maybe I'm missing something here. :?
No, you are not missing anything...

I wasn't disagreeing with you...yours is the simpler and easier way..

was just adding an alternative, that's all...

some of us like to do things the hard way!!! :P
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