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Creating New Sequences


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I think I have read that a lot of folks have a dedicated box for just running shows so that may be my answer.... but....

I have plenty more songs I want to sequence, and as I am playing the audio inside, its playing over top of the audio on the show that is running.

I've made sure in LOR to uncheck the "Control Lights" when I'm trying/testing the sequence. I don't see any option for audio.

My only thought and what I was doing which was starting to confuse me was, when I wanted to make a sequence, I made a "All On" show, with no music. Then I went to the "Show on Demand" I think it is, and had it play my "All On" show while I was trying to work on the sequence that way at least the lights are still on.

Is there a better way other than 2 computers? Which isn't a problem but I find it hard to sequence on the laptop, prefer the desktop, and don't think running the shows from the laptop is the best option either.

Thanks all!

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Anything audio coming out of the computer when the show is running will be broadcast. So if you are say wathing a you tube video while the show is running, thats what will be heard outside. Either two computer or sequence when the show is not running.

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OK thanks, I think I'll have to just stop the show and then sequence if I need to.

I forgot that the speakers outside play what I am watching inside and I was watching some comedy with a lot of cussing, wife comes in from outside, said, you know, that show you are watching is dropping F bombs left and right outside.... OOPS!

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TitanBry77 wrote:

OK thanks, I think I'll have to just stop the show and then sequence if I need to.

I forgot that the speakers outside play what I am watching inside and I was watching some comedy with a lot of cussing, wife comes in from outside, said, you know, that show you are watching is dropping F bombs left and right outside.... OOPS!
doesn't take much to run the shows so finding and old XP pro system can done for less than $200, sometimes free if you know the right person. Last year a friend of mine that works for the IT dept of a fairly big company let me "borrow" an old dell with xp pro on it (laptop).
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Oh for sure, I will do that for next season, didn't feel like doing it just yet. I have 2-3 spare computers at my office that have more than the minimum requirements. If I get some extra energy maybe I'll fire one up as a LOR show only.

I guess I could use this old laptop I have too, just set it to always on so it doesn't go to sleep etc and leave it plugged in.

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Guest Don Gillespie

TitanBry77 wrote:

Oh for sure, I will do that for next season, didn't feel like doing it just yet. I have 2-3 spare computers at my office that have more than the minimum requirements. If I get some extra energy maybe I'll fire one up as a LOR show only.

I guess I could use this old laptop I have too, just set it to always on so it doesn't go to sleep etc and leave it plugged in.

No no no keep the laptop for your sequencing and run your show with your main computer, that way you can make changes while your show is running , once you have made changes take a memory stick and transfer to your show computer for next days shows it works great. :P
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Thanks for the tip, my main problem with making the sequences on my laptop is, for my PC I have a 23" screen, laptop is 14", I guess I could always plug the PC monitor in to the laptop.

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Guest Don Gillespie

TitanBry77 wrote:

Thanks for the tip, my main problem with making the sequences on my laptop is, for my PC I have a 23" screen, laptop is 14", I guess I could always plug the PC monitor in to the laptop.

Same as mine it does work really well you can make minor adjustments to your sequences with little or no problem. :P
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You can also use the DC-MP3 player to run your show and have the freedom to use your computer. I use it and would recommend it to any LOR user because it reduces potential for errors caused by:

Computers crashing

Computers rebooting


other computer related issues

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TitanBry77 wrote:

Thanks for the tip, my main problem with making the sequences on my laptop is, for my PC I have a 23" screen, laptop is 14", I guess I could always plug the PC monitor in to the laptop.
i am the opposite, have a laptop with a 14" screen and bare bones - it runs my shows. Now for sequencing I have a relatively new system with a 32" HD monitor on it. I am spoiled I guess.
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I really am thinking of just running my barebones laptop as the system to run the shows, it's just sitting in my closet collecting dust. I could do a fresh install of XP on it, load the LOR software and call it a day.

I have a nice laptop that I use regularly and then my desktop that has the 23" screen. I would love to have a 32" That must make it so much easier to fit more on screen.

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TitanBry77 wrote:

I really am thinking of just running my barebones laptop as the system to run the shows, it's just sitting in my closet collecting dust. I could do a fresh install of XP on it, load the LOR software and call it a day.

I have a nice laptop that I use regularly and then my desktop that has the 23" screen. I would love to have a 32" That must make it so much easier to fit more on screen.
sorta but I made a mistake when I got the screen and it only supports up to 720p so instead of a lot of stuff on the screen, everything is real big!! lol
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