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Permanent installs w/LOR1602W

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Ok, been looking and not finding what I am looking for here, so I am being forced to ask, which goes against my theory of DIY;).

I have an LOR1602W and am looking for a permanent install of outlets under my eaves so I don't have to run extension cords all over the place.

What is the approach others have used for doing this. I can do the outlet mounts and running the wire to where I need them, but do I plug each channel cord into an "input" outlet that is associated to an "output" outlet down the line?

What have others done for permanent installs using this box?


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You can either put a triac in each outlet and run a "hot", neutral and control wire (cat 5) to each outlet. OR each run needs to be treated as an "extension cord" and would have to have a plug to attach attach to LOR box.

My opinion, I would choose the first option. It will allow for a more perminante installation and if you ever need to make it a perminante install just pull the triac. Another reason is that you can connect the "hot" to a cirucit breaker which will allow you to have more amps avaiable for your show because you are using more circuit breakers.

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David, Not sure that I fully understand your statements/questions, but I use outlets with my LOR controllers rather than the pigtails. However, all my outlets are located in the same box as my controller. However, I don't see any reason you couldn't install the outlets in your eaves as you suggested. You would then run the electrical wire from the outlet and connect it to the appropriate channel on your controller. Power to the controller would be fed from a GFIC protected breaker. Is this the the information you were looking for?


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