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Done early :-) Whew...


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Woo Hooo !!! It all talks to each other.... 3 Days early :-) I'm done. Only had 1 CCR controller failure that LOR Masterfully took care of. (Wipe sweat from brow). Time to go back to work and rest...

How come we completely change the display every year?

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I was going to ask that question, How many of you keep "tinkering" With your sequences during the season. I have several ready to go, but feel that I will keep making changes as I See how they look.

Alas, next year,,, more channels more lights

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Frybread wrote:

How many of you keep "tinkering" With your sequences during the season.

I find small changes I want to make or better ways to do something almost every night I am out watching my shows...
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I have been telling myself I will not change anything for next year, since I made a quantum leap from the first year, way underestimated the time needed, etc (PM me for more excuses).

I'm now telling myself "minimal non-impacting changes", meaning, improving certain elements, but not changing the layout.

Check back with me in March and I'll explain how I'm redesigning the whole display from the ground up...

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