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Stuck on programming!?


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Ok, so the lights are all up etc, definitely didn't spend much time on the software as I started late.

I figured I'd do 2 things:

1) This year use some sample files and try to tailor them to my display.

2)Load a pic of my house in the visulizer and draw on all my fixtures and try to make some short simple ones myself as the season goes on.

Well, I am striking out on all of that haha. I drew my fixtures, how do I get that in to the sequence editor?

If I want to use some "sample" files, how do I kind of tailor it to my setup. I thought I had it down, apparently not! Doh! :D

Also I remember seeing some how-to videos somewhere and can't find them to save my life.

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well putting the stuff you have in you visualizer,just group things together.I noticed you have 32 channels, so start out at the front or back of you display and group things that are near like trees bushes etc.that way the programing will be easier. I made all new props for mine this year so it was easy,1 mega tree 6 minis 2 arches strobes and ice cycles fill my 32 channels

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well like trees at the front of your yard you would want them to move together, maybe other props close together you can do a chase.so you would want stuff like that on the same controller

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TitanBry77 wrote:

Ok, I get that part now, but how do I get the visual images where I drew the props on the photo of my house, in to the program so I can see how they react?

Have you read the tutorial yet?


The software help file is your friend.
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Thanks, I found that around oh, 1am last night haha and was able to link the visualizer and the sequencer.

Now I am just absolutely overwhelmed with trying to make a show. What is the difference between a shimmer and a twinkle? lol

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TitanBry77 wrote:

Thanks, I found that around oh, 1am last night haha and was able to link the visualizer and the sequencer.

Now I am just absolutely overwhelmed with trying to make a show. What is the difference between a shimmer and a twinkle? lol

Once again, open the help file from the sequence editor.

Search for shimmer, twinkle, or effects.
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