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Wires across sidewalk - Concealing


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TitanBry77 wrote:

Orville wrote:
TitanBry77 wrote:
Thanks for that info, that may be just the ticket to get me through this season. I'm wondering though if it will come off though when I no longer need it. :D

You just use a flat blade screw driver or some type of blunt, flat tool to start pulling it up from one corner and then just peel it up. When it comes up, you may have to get a brillo pad or some type of grit to get what little residue it may leave behind if any.

I had a mat taped down with this stuff for 2 years, never budged, when we moved, just pulled up one corner of the mat and peeled it off. Didn't even leave a bit of residue and this was on a coarse(NOT smooth), concrete type porch. I love this carpet tape, it has saved me a lot of time and issues when I just needed a temporary covering for cords or cables inside the house or outside across a sidewalk or driveway.

NOTE: If used on a painted surface, it may take some paint with it when pulled up, so if you're going to use it on a painted surface, have some matching touch up paint to repaint the area!

Most often, it just peels up clean from an UNPAINTED SURFACE, at least that has been my experience with it.

What's cool is you can use it on top of other carpet to hold things down like throw rugs so they don't move when vacuuming the house or folks walking over them won't trip over them or kick them up. I use this tape just about everywhere.

Hmm, that was my concern, this is a stamped concrete walkway and I've already had an issue where I needed to touch up and it didn't go so well lol. I may try to get away with just a small piece on each edge, something along those lines.

You really don't need much, even a small 1/2" strip of it around the perimeter of the item will hold it in place. Just the larger pieces make it a little easier to put down. So you should be good with a minimal amount. I use it to stick things to my wall in that manner, fortunately I've not had any "paint removed" [knock on wood!] yet using a smaller strip of the tape.

Good Luck!
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