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length of show? cant find!

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I searched and couldnt find an answer... is there any way that I am missing, to see the length of a show...? trying to figure out timing and scheduling...want to see if there was a way besides adding it up on paper to see the total length of a show...

also, what about a buffer between sequences? do you guys put a few seconds in between each sequence in a show?


You're not missing it. That's the quickest way to find the length of your show.

As for buffers, some people do some sort of voice over (or reminders about blocking driveways, etc.) in between songs.


Depending on the speed of your PC and the size of your sequences you may notice a few seconds of buffer between songs the first time a show plays through. You might want to give the show a few dry runs before opening night to see whether this is an issue.

Personally, I like there to be about five seconds between songs or between a song and an announcement. I'd advise not to run an announcement between each song. I've seen displays like that (one of my clients, ironically) and listening to announcements after every song gets very tedious very fast.

Have you considered just letting your show loop all evening? This is much simpler than trying to figure out show lengths and then trying to schedule them every X number of minutes apart, or trying to make it every 15 minutes or on the half hour or whatever interval you're aiming for... your viewers aren't really going to care if/when/what time you've got things scheduled - they're going to come by and either see something interesting enough to stop for or not.


carsonsig wrote:

dang it!

LOR are you listening!!!!

It sounds as if you should email your item to wishlist@lightorama.com.

yeah... I see your point. I was thinking of doing a "classic show" and a kind of random funny stuff show. I think I will just mix it up.


This is how I determine the duration of my show:

I use an DC-MP3 Showtime Director, so I copy the show MP3's from the SD card. Since I run an overnight lights only sequence as well as a daytime off hours playing music sequence. I copy the SHOW (S1*.MP3) files to a directory on my Hard Drive (actually copy the entire SD card to a directory on my HD for backup to another SD card just in case of failure!)

But anyway, I take the MP3 files and put them in a free MP3 player I use called "Sonique", click on each MP3 to get its duration and Sonique shows me the entire duration of all the MP3 files.

Yes, a little work, but it tells me EXACTLY how long my show runs.

Although it'd be great if there was a way to get this info from the actual LMS files added together from the "Total Time" they are set to play, especially since sometimes I change the total time in them due to how a song may end and I want to cut off that excessive silence at the end, even with edited MP3's, still seems to be there.

But this is the only way that even comes close to being as accurate as I can get within a few seconds, maybe a minute at most of my shows run time.


You can also run your show with the Status window keeping track of all of the events. I Copy & Paste the data into Excel, strip the redundent text, add a few formulas ans then I have a complete timeline of my show with durations.

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