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Mike Manzara

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This forum is the only way to vent your frustration. Phone calls go unanswered , E-mails go unanswered so this is it.

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Guest wbottomley

What number are you calling? What email are you using? Have you sent him a PM here on the board?

We have lots of questions... now we need answers.

By the way... they are several folks I know of are selling some controllers. Maybe you should use that time in searching those threads out instead of bitching. Then, when your order arrives, you'll have double amount.

Remember, this is a hobby for most of us, not a business.

Let me tighten the strings...


Oh, I almost forgot. I have 50 of them this year and will probably and 10-15 more for next year. I'm set to go for Thanksgiving.

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Guest Don Gillespie

wbottomley wrote:

What number are you calling? What email are you using? Have you sent him a PM here on the board?

We have lots of questions... now we need answers.

By the way... they are several folks I know of are selling some controllers. Maybe you should use that time in searching those threads out instead of bitching. Then, when your order arrives, you'll have double amount.

Remember, this is a hobby for most of us, not a business.

Let me tighten the strings...


Oh, I almost forgot. I have 50 of them this year and will probably and 10-15 more for next year. I'm set to go for Thanksgiving.

that has to be the tiniest violin I have ever seen. ;)
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You know Bill, something occurred to me a few moments ago. Douches aren't made for bags anymore - they come in plastic bottles. So when one refers to an irritating a$$hole as a douche bag it's becoming more and more likely, even in Canada, that the target of the insult might not even know what you mean. Just saying...

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Don Gillespie wrote:

wbottomley wrote:
What number are you calling? What email are you using? Have you sent him a PM here on the board?

We have lots of questions... now we need answers.

By the way... they are several folks I know of are selling some controllers. Maybe you should use that time in searching those threads out instead of bitching. Then, when your order arrives, you'll have double amount.

Remember, this is a hobby for most of us, not a business.

Let me tighten the strings...


Oh, I almost forgot. I have 50 of them this year and will probably and 10-15 more for next year. I'm set to go for Thanksgiving.

that has to be the tiniest violin I have ever seen. ;)

My thought was, that's the biggest Hand I ever saw...;)
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wbottomley wrote:
Let me tighten the strings...

Oh, I almost forgot. I have 50 of them this year and will probably and 10-15 more for next year. I'm set to go for Thanksgiving.
You have that many tiny violins? Why do you need them on Thanksgiving? Are you going to a crybaby convention somewhere?
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You know I dont understand where everyone comes off with emails, phone calls go unanswered. I called LOR the other day and talk directly with a human as soon as I called, I sent a email to the help desk got a reply back within 48hrs, sent a unit for repair right around halloween and it was sitting on my front step repaired. So to bash LOR is completly uncalled for. What is there to update if there are no current changes, are theysupposed to keep posting no changes today? I dont think so they need to be focusing on shipping these new controllers to everyone.

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Me either rescue_653. I've contacted Dan directly here via PM, contacted LOR via E-mail, contacted tech support via the website, I haven't used the phone so can't comment on that aspect, but everytime I've always been contacted back within a very minimal amount of time from each avenue.

Now if someone is wanting an answer within a couple minutes that's just not a reasonable expectation from any standpoint. 24-48 hours is usually always the case, although many times I've had an answer in less than an hour or two, but that's the exception, NOT the rule!

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Actually...as much as Mike's message may come across as something uncalled for, I agree. Here is the deal, everyone at LOR may be busy, however, if you create the PDU with which to provide updates to the mass, then it should be updated much more than it has been...especially in the busiest part of the year. It takes only 10-20 minutes max to write something quickly out.

I really think someone at LOR should be assigned (or hired) to perform Communications/Marketing. This person could keep the PDU up to date and help keep the website maintained. Additionally, this person could prepare the business for sales, contests, etc. IMHO, the sale events this year didn't go too well and LOR could have sold tons more of product that it had in stock.

Although I totally can understand and respect that everyone at LOR is very very busy (as they are every year around the holidays), silence on product availability is hurting the business.

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rescue_653 wrote:

You know I dont understand where everyone comes off with emails, phone calls go unanswered. I called LOR the other day and talk directly with a human as soon as I called, I sent a email to the help desk got a reply back within 48hrs, sent a unit for repair right around halloween and it was sitting on my front step repaired. So to bash LOR is completly uncalled for. What is there to update if there are no current changes, are theysupposed to keep posting no changes today? I dont think so they need to be focusing on shipping these new controllers to everyone.

I suspect that the calls/emails have to make it through customs first when they come from or go to Canada, so that is probably what is causing the delay for some individuals. :)
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Guest Don Gillespie

Surfing4Dough wrote:

I suspect that the calls/emails have to make it through customs first when they come from or go to Canada, so that is probably what is causing the delay for some individuals. :)

Nope only from certain parts of canada have to go through customs, in alberta we are exempt from going through customs :P in the east they have to go through customs, I suspect LOR has call display and chooses not to talk to people who are constant complainers, mike grow some cahoonas and call LOR there has never been a time when they haven't answered my call I run a buisness and my philosophy is very simple, people that are curtious and polite get my attention a lot quicker than people that complain, the complainers have a special file in my office its called the garbage can, I have no desire to talk to people who are constantly complaining, grow up and send them a PM or leave things alone, I am now done ranting, some things fire me up and at his time of year when I am busy I have no time for whinners.
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Im just going to chime in I disagree with Wyane.

Its just banter and my opponion, but I dont agree.

I like that a controller costs me 99.00 - what we call a controller, the rest of the lighting world calls a Dimming pack. one of THE CHEAPEST is from chauvet, and costs 120.00 for 4 channels. compare that to a ctb16pc : LOR 250.00, or 480 for Chauvet.

I dont want to pay anextra 10, 20 or 50.00 just so LOR can hire someone to tell you they dont have any boards in yet.

No one is forcing you to buy LOR. You dont like it, buy someone elses controller. Try a Rival controll systems, they claim 8amps / channel with no heatsink. But I bet they ship you that board quick.

Nothing is for sure till its in your hands. I didnt plan my show for controllers I didnt have. I ordered a board, and I'm thrilled that it will be here in time for this season - but I never complained when I didnt think it would .

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gizmomkr wrote:

Im just going to chime in I disagree with Wayne.

Its just banter and my opinion, but I don't agree.

I like that a controller costs me 99.00 - what we call a controller, the rest of the lighting world calls a Dimming pack. one of THE CHEAPEST is from Chauvet, and costs 120.00 for 4 channels. compare that to a ctb16pc : LOR 250.00, or 480 for Chauvet.

I don't want to pay an extra 10, 20 or 50.00 just so LOR can hire someone to tell you they don't have any boards in yet.

No one is forcing you to buy LOR. You don't like it, buy someone else's controller. Try a Rival control systems, they claim 8amps / channel with no heat sink. But I bet they ship you that board quick.

Nothing is for sure till its in your hands. I didn't plan my show for controllers I didn't have. I ordered a board, and I'm thrilled that it will be here in time for this season - but I never complained when I didn't think it would .
for me it is like this, did i want my unit back in August - hell yeah! but if getting it early means getting a substandard unit that hasn't been properly test then I will gladly wait.
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