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Argh - newbie to this all - trying to figure it out


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Every Year I've been buying controllers, DIY controllers, and I finally got them all soldered up.

Which would be a good thing.. But I have 4 controller boxes, and I've only got 3 worth of lights..

Ideas on what to use 16 more channels on?

I'm going to try to post video of the view from the inside and the outside. And yes I am new to this, so trying to figure out the sequencing (I wouldn't be surprised if a kid watching this didn't go into convulsions)...

During a windstorm:

From the inside:

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I would put up a mega tree or 2 arches. Typically mega trees take at least 16 channels and arches take 7. Either one would add a killer element to your setup.

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do some arches.

If your worried about being to blinky blinky than rework the sequences with some fades and maybe some lights to stay on.

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With all due respect to Harrisons post, I would make the arguement that arches should be 8 not 7...which would allow you to dedicate that entire controller to two arches...

I know I know it is a can of worms I am opening....but I have always been in the camp that says give me the extra channel with an even total number of channels (whcih in my opinion is easier to sequence considering most music is in 2/4 or 4/4 time) as opposed to trying to have a center/top channel with equal #'s on the sides...



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Welcome to the LOR forum MadDucks.

Do a search as there is lots of info on arches and mega trees. A mega tree may be faster IMHO if your short for time. A 12' with 16 channels can be put up rather fast as an example. Sequencing for either project will take longer than building that project to sequence for.

Again, welcome aboard and good luck,


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Maybe TJ will chime in here but he has a post somewhere on here explaining his arches. Most people use sleeves like 12 or so inches long of PVC pipe wrapped with your lights, this makes one channel. Do that 6 or 7 more times then get a piece of thinner electrical conduit the grey stuff and stake 2 pieces of rebar in the ground the width of the arch. Slide the pieces of light wrapped PVC over the thinner condipuit it and bend it down to the other piece of rebar. Sequence it and your done. I actually agree with ether that you should use 8 channels for each arch. I've just seen most of them with 7 channels. I've never even built one but debated on it several times and read tons of threads about them. Check out YouTube as well there are plenty of arch videos on there.

Good Luck!

Edit, I went ahead and found that thread for you. Lots of good advice in there.

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Santas Helper and harrison - Thanks.

This is somewhat of an addictive hobby :I For me, it started a few years ago, when my HOA came by, said they were having a contest and thought I'd do something cool.

I didn't do anything cool, but that's when I started hording and buy the DIY LOR enclosures.. And biding my time, buying lights after Christmas, etc.

I can find lots on both the trees and arches, which is part of the problem, figuring out what the best idea is.. I was just hoping to cut to the chase. Figuring out the mini trees took me some time too..

Same went for FM transmitter.. I had a long time ago bought the gold Whole House, just to find that it's no me-gusta. So now I'm praying I'll get a new one :I

Exciting, but oh so complicated sometimes too.

Any help would be appreciated.

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I agree that at this late stage in the game, a mega tree would prob be easier...arches take some time (once you know what to do and how to do it you can crank them out pretty quick...in fact you might consider doing MEGA arches over that drive way of yours next year)...you could do a 10' mega tree fairly easy and then you just run your lights to the ground....

There are ready made kits available out there...the only main thing you need is the hanging bracket at the top...

I think WOWLights sells a kit...and I know there are lots of instructions on how to build your own if you are so inclined...

Baring THAT, you could do something even simpler...just use your house and do a 120 degree "tree"...just run the lights up to a point either on your house or on a tree and viola, you have a "tree"!

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