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Audio conversion problems?

Josh Burdick

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I'm trying to convert an audio CD to WAV files. I use both and Mac and PC. I have my music library on my Mac so I selected my songs and burned them as a audio CD. I then put that CD in my PC and I'm trying to use Audacity to convert to WAV files. I keep getting a message that Audacity can't work with that file type. It's been some time since Ive done this so I'm struggling through it.

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Unless you missed telling us this step...........Sounds like you need to rip the songs off the CD onto your PC first.

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The Pest wrote:

Why are you trying to go to wav I would suggest MP3

My 2 cents worth... since having so many problems in the past by trying to edit files with MP3 being out of sync (during editing), I don't trust mp3 for LOR any more. Perhaps that issue has been long fixed and I don't know it, yet, I prefer to stick with a format that I know will work... wav.
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