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what should I expect

james campbell

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ok I have ran my show for three days now,I have had a couple people stop and give good commits,I live in a rural area and have only gotten three or four cars pass during show hours. Will my audience pick up? I have had one repeat customer who has stopped aver night so far for a couple minutes each time.

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Have you looked at the calendar? You are not supposed to be ready for two more weeks!!! You are making us procrastinators look bad! :shock:

Seriously, congrats on being way ahead of the game... my guess is that like the old shampoo commercial.... those who see it will tell two friends, and they'll tell two friends, and so on and so on... ;)

I'm a first timer, too, and I can't wait for people to see it. So I feel your anticipation...

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it is a code of conduct on the forum, that you can not turn your light on or before black friday. Unless you are videoing a show, to post on youtube or vimeo. And even than, you have to do it at crazy hours in the morning. Bad luck happens if you start it too soon.

Like fields of dreams... Build it... they will come.

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Lights before thanksgiving - blasphemy! Like wearing white after labor day. You might as well have shot Santa.

Seriously - Turn them on whenever you like, but it is funny how many people commented on that, and yes I too wait for black friday.

My advice on the crowd. Dont worry about it. People will come. The number of people that come should not be a measure of your success.

I can only speak for myself, but I do my show first and foremost because I ENJOY IT. I love computers, I love wiring, I love soldering, I love lighting design, I love making props and elements that I find visually appealing.
A REALLY CLOSE second is : I love to see someone stop and stare and smile. You are spreading joy and holiday spirit. It shouldnt matter if its 1 or 2 or 200 people.

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Last year was my first year with LOR. Turn out was slower than I expected, but the comments were priceless. I didn't have any signage because I didn't have a transmitter. People driving by didn't realize the lights were dancing to music. I had a sign made up stating when the songs would play, that helped a lot. It will also pick up the closer we get to Christmas.

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I tell people "if one person smiles because of that I am happy, even if that person is me"

Ok last year was our second year with lights but I was using gemmy and it was pretty bad. I would say Year 1: 25-50 car a night average. Year 2: 50-100 a night average. It seems to take about a week or two before people catch on, then it grows from there.

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If you have read some of the threads lately about traffic/display issues, then you will realize why you are much better to have 3-4 cars per night rather than 300-400 cars per night. Fight the temptation to rush that since there is no great way to stop the growth once it starts. Plus it still might be a little early for most people to be thinking about Christmas lights. I wait to Thanksgiving myself, or Thanksgiving weekend.

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Guest Don Gillespie

Surfing4Dough wrote:

If you have read some of the threads lately about traffic/display issues, then you will realize why you are much better to have 3-4 cars per night rather than 300-400 cars per night. Fight the temptation to rush that since there is no great way to stop the growth once it starts. Plus it still might be a little early for most people to be thinking about Christmas lights. I wait to Thanksgiving myself, or Thanksgiving weekend. Well said

Also I find the heavy traffic comes with about a week to go before Christmas, I usaully have any where from 30 - 40 cars a night but the week before Christmas it jumps to over a 100 a night some people have told me they waited an hour to see the show, don't worry about how much traffic you have this is a great opportunity for you to critic your show and start planning for next year, the cars will come.
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thanks all for your comments,I do realize it is very early but one reason I started is to get the word out. I have only been running for three hours and last night for four.

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Last year was my first. I didn't expect much traffic. HOWEVER, I was "found" by the "Mothers of North Arlington" organazation, and had much more traffic then expected. I've kept in contact with them and HOPEFULLY they will post my "rules" for the display. (Gotta remember to send that out tonight) Other then that, keep a good supply of candy canes for the kids. Have fun, and remember... It's all about making other people happy!

Tom Straub

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Don't worry about people coming, they will come. Try too hard and you'll have hundreds of cars there and all the problems that come with it. Ideally, I'd like to see 2-4 cars at a time out there.

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